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*Warning. Graphic content.*

*Contains explicit show of rape please proceed with caution if this is triggering to you or anyone you may know*

"Huff. Finally."

Nyla laid down on the guest bed with a sigh. She was tired from this long ass night and her feet and ankles hurt from walking around in her high heels.

"The caller you are trying to reach is no-

"Ugh really Wayne?!"

She threw her phone to the side and rolled her eyes as she got under the covers. She already texted him like 4 times telling him where she was. And she called him 5 times but he didn't even bother to pick up the phone.

Sometimes I wonder does this man even care about me.

"I feel a bit uneasy Nyla."

"Nora what's wrong?"

"I feel a strong chill. Remember what happened at the Blessing? I feel like it was a warning. Remember the water is also able to give warnings only visible to the bleeder."

Nyla thought about the bloody wolf who consumed her blood and nodded.

"Yes that was nerve-wracking. But whatever it is can it wait? I'm so tired."

Nora sighed and nodded.

"Okay. But please make sure to stay aware. I'll still be up in your conscious while you sleep so I'll be able to wake you if anything happens."

Nyla yawned.

"Okay. Night Nora."

"Night Nyla."

Knock! Knock!

"Who is it?"

Nyla asked as she yawned tiredly.

"It's Lily!"

Nyla groaned as she got up from the bed.


Nyla fixed her half risen dress and swung open the door to see Lilith waiting for her.

"What's up?"

Nyla asked at the two women left the room and walked down the hallway.

"Alpha Norman has called for you. He said Yorell woken up again calling your name. Really Nyla, at this point I think he's your child."

Nyla chuckled as she shook her head while they walked towards the Alpha's house.

"No. But he does give me severe baby fe-

"Beta female Nyla!! Gamma Female Lilith!!"

The two women turned their heads to see an omega, named Griffin. Running towards them with an bleeding arm.

The two women's eyes subconsciously turned to a golden color as they stood in alert.

"Slow down Griffin."

Lilith said soothingly as the 17 year old teenager coughed harshly.

"Now, tell us what's wrong Griffin?"

"The pack is under attack!!"

Both women were taken aback.


"Rouges. Everywhere. They stormed in the pack. Caused damage to considerable amount of people. All the other pack leaders are trying their best to help fend off the Rouges while the women get the pups and elderly to safety."

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