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Wayne went and found himself in the kitchen. Digging through the cabinets he grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured it into a cup.

How did it start?

"Wayne, what are you thinking about?"

Wayne turned to Johnathan. Who was at the time staring at him with a goofy smile. He remembered the then 21 year old was at the time still wearing contacts. Along with the fact his small beard hadn't grown out yet.

"Do you feel it too?"

"If you mean the growing irritation of having to go to the Shadow Pack's ABG then he's not alone."

Wayne turned to Yash. He remembered the then 23 year old was just starting to grow out his hair which is why he held a short ponytail. His beard was just starting to grow out.

"I do feel... different today. Wade is pacing in my head."

"I feel the same." Johnathan smiled as he looked out the car window. "Who knows? I wonder what she's like."

Wayne at the time didn't know much about relationships. He had a few flings and short term relationships but he never had strong emotional attachments to them. Probably the reason why he never felt anything when they broke up with him.

"I'm only looking for my mate to shut my father up." Yash rolled his eyes as he ran his fingers through his hair. "He's been on my ass about a heir."

"How about you Wayne?"

Wayne remembered feeling uncomfortable. The tug of the bond over a person he hadn't met yet made him a anxious.

"Whoever they are I just hope they are meant for me."

The other two didn't say anything but Wayne took it as an agreement.

"We're here."

Wayne looked out the window to see many other people from different packs.

"You guys got everything for the week right?" Wayne grabbed his bag. "Yea, let's go."

In some cases, the ABG can last a week depending on the time it's hosted. Take this time for example, its around mating season. Where werewolves find their mates and go into heat. The Shadow Pack is the 2nd largest back in the country. So it has enough space to prepare for any upcoming new mates and heat spurs. Not that Wayne cared though, he doubted he'd find his mate in all these people.

Maybe the matebond isn't as strong as I thought.

The three men passed through the sea of people and into their cabins where they'd be staying for the week.

Moments later after the men finished placing their bags in their spaces Johnathan stood up and prepared to walk outside.

"I'll head out. I want to find my mate."

Yash groaned as he got up as well. "I'm coming too."

The two men turned to Wayne. "How bout you?"

Wayne remembered how the thought of looking for his mate was ridiculous.

"No." Wayne shook his head as he grabbed his bath towel. "I'll go shower and head in for the night."

The two others shrugged and left the cabin leaving Wayne to go out and shower in the back.

Wayne remembered feeling anxious as he showered. As he ran his fingers through his hair he felt the need to for the first time shower quickly as if he'd miss out on something if he didn't. After a while when Wayne was done showering and changing he looked out the shower window to see nothing.

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