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It was daylight but Wayne couldn't sleep. How can he sleep when some unknown bastard assaulted his wife right under his nose? And how could he sleep while not even knowing how to talk to his wife? One thing was first, he had to take her to the pack doctor.

"Nyla...Nyla love I have to take you to the pack doctor."

Wayne gently shoved Nyla's body who jumped harshly at the contact of his skin. It turns out Nyla herself barely slept last night and was awake the whole time. It's just she was so quiet Wayne thought she was sleeping.

"Nyla. I have to take you to the pack doctor love."

Nyla didn't say anything. She didn't even move from her position under the covers. Wayne sighed as he grabbed one of her hoodies and gently placed it on top of her body.

"Russell go start the car."

"Yes Beta long."

Wayne gently held Nyla in his arms as they walked down the stairs. As Wayne reached the bottom he heard the sound of a car starting.

"Thank you Russell. You and Samantha are in charge of the omega's in the house until we get back."

Samantha and Russell bowed their heads.

"Yes Beta Long."

He delicately placed Nyla in the front seat. Making sure to not hurt her or any of her wounds. After strapping her in her seat belt he locked her door and went into the driver's seat and drove to the hospital.

Along the way Wayne couldn't stop glancing at his wife from time to time. She was so quiet. He wasn't used to that. She was always so bright and loud. He wanted to ask, but he didn't know how.

Just as he was debating whether or not to say anything. They arrived at the hospital. He parked the car and picked up his dazed wife. Placing the hoodie over her head to avoid her from being recognized he went to the front desk.

"I'd like to make an appointment."

The attendant at the front desk sighed boredly.

"State your name."

"Beta Long."

The attendant's eyes went big as she looked up to see Beta Long holding a woman covered in a hoodie in his arms. Bowing her head she apologized.

"Sorry Beta Long I-

"When's the next doctor available?"

The attendant glanced at the list of doctors and the time.

"Well the next available doctor would be now actually. Doctor Jefferson just finished one of his patients. I'll call him over."

"Doctor Jefferson please come to the front desk. Doctor Jefferson please come to the front desk."

A few moments later Wayne then saw a man with brown glasses, green eyes, and blonde hair come to the front desk.

"Sasha what is it you need?"

Sasha pointed to Wayne. "Beta Long needs your help to diagnose a paitent."

Dr. Jefferson nodded and gave Wayne a polite smile.

"Well Beta Long please follow me down the hall."

The two men walked down the hallway until they reached an empty patient door. Wayne placed Nyla on the doctor's bed to which she didn't say much but huddle closer inside her hoodie.

"Now. Beta Long what brings you here?"

Wayne didn't say anything yet. He opened the patient door and checked the hallways before he went pack inside and locked the door behind him. His actions really took Dr. Jefferson of guard.

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