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"We don't need those. We should sell them."

"Are you sure Beta Female? What if the Bet-

Nyla turned to the management omegas.
"I'll handle my husband. You just do as you're told."

The management omegas bowed their heads. "Yes Beta Female."

"Nyla, I need to talk to you."

Nyla spotted Wayne walking up to her. She then felt a surge of irritation.

Here he goes.

She turned back to the omegas as they prepared to leave. "Make sure the families are compensated."

"Yes Beta female."

Wayne pulled Nyla to the side which she shrugged off his hand.

"Don't touch me."

"Nyla this is serious. The money you compensated those families-

"Were enough for their family's to prepare the funerals."

"Which you've done great at, but Nyla all that money was supposed to be used to rebuild the pack. So many orphanages and houses have been damaged we needed that money."

"It's alright I already have that covered. The money I used to compensate the families are from my own bank account."

Wayne eyes went slightly wide. "You used your own- but you were saving that money for-

Nyla spat at him harshly.
"Dreams are foolish. That money will be used for something better than what I planned for it."

"Nyla... I know things have been hard for you lately-" Wayne ran his hands through her dreadlocks. "-but I am here for you. I love you."

Nyla scoffed as she pushed off his touch. "And what has your love done for me?" Seeing his quiet look Nyla rolled her eyes. "Im pretty sure you have more important things to do that tolerate a wife you're barely around."


"I've got other things to do. Don't expect me to be around for dinner."

Nyla walked passed him and towards another direction, leaving Wayne by himself.

I wonder how does her wolf deal with her?

Wade grumbled as he sat in Wayne's mental space.

No need to worry about that. Her wolf as of late has been acting the same as her.

It's a bit stressful.

Wade shook his head. Our wife is going through a traumatizing time. It's our job to support her.

She doesn't want it.

Time will help. We just need to be here. In time things will go back to the way it was.

Alright. I hope so.

"How's the progress on the territory exchangements?"

Lilith handed Greea a few documents. "The packs that we agreed to exchanged the territory with agreed to the terms. The matter of it is that to decide how to prevent the packs from getting into disputes over the amount of resources the only problem. Other than that it's covered."

Greea nodded as she turned to Nyla. "And you made sure to compensate the pack members for their injuried and dead love ones?"

"Yep. Gave them as much as I can give."

Greea stood up and clapped her hands."Welp that settles it." She turned to the two women at the table. "Both of you ladies did a great job. All we gotta do it monitor and make sure things run smoothly."

Greea then gave Nyla a small smile. "It's great to have you back."

Nyla shrugged as she prepared to leave. "It's nice to be back."

"Nyla wait!"

Nyla turned around as she walked the hallways. Lilith ran up to her which made Nyla almost roll her eyes and continued walking.

"What do you want?"

"I want to talk to you-

"I don't want to Lilith."


"You know-." Nyla turned around as she fully stared at Lilith. "I'm tired of everyone trying to talk to me when I specifically said I don't want to. I have things to do and so do you Lily."

Nyla turned and left Greea's office. She then felt an uncomfortable chill in her heart.

I need to leave. I need to leave. I need to le-

"Beta Female Nyla."

Nyla jumped out her skin when she heard the voice. She hurriedly calmed down and turned around with a tight lipped smile.

"Alpha Norman. What a surprise."

Yash gave her a small smile.

"Yes Nyla it's been a while sense anyone's seen you. I just wanna make sure you're alright."

Nyla scoffed as she walked up to him. Staring up into his eyes and spat at him. "You are the last person who should be asking me that. This all happened because of yo-

"And I'm sorry for that!" Yash gently grabbed her shoulders. "T-that night i was drunk and-

Nylas eyes turned golden. "And I was sober!"

"I know I regret using my son but I'm not that type of man."

"I don't give a damn about what you aren't. That night showed what you are. A beast and you don't even have no damn remorse."

Yash eyes darkened as he squeezed her shoulders. "I'm trying to apologize-

"FUCK your apology and shove it up your ass!" Yash flinched his eyes as he felt Nyla's saliva as she spat In his face.

"Alright then. I have to go now Beta Female. Enjoy the rest of your day."

"Enjoy my foot down your throat."

Nyla walked off from him in anger. In the shadows Johnathan watched the interaction with mixed emotions.

Nyla... Holy shit. This situation is a big problem.

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