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"Dr. Jefferson Beta Female Nyla has came to see you."

Carson sat up and straighted his coat. "Okay bring her in."

Nyla entered the office and glanced around. Carson seemed to have a few scratches on his face along with a with a deep cut along his arm. Even so he smiled at her brightly. "Carson." Nyla noticed Carson's tired look. "How are you?"

Carson shrugged with a smile. "I've been better."

"Of course."

Silence stood between the two as they stared at each other. Nyla didn't know what to say, but she felt strongly guilty for him. Her marriage affairs caused him to get injured.

"Wil your arm be alright?"

Carson looked at the long cut Wayne slashed against his arm after he blocked Wayne's attack with it.

"I prescribed myself some medicine and after a few stitches it'll heal."

"That's good."

The two stared at each other again silently. The awkward tension made Carson finally unable to take it.

"About what I said... did you think about it?"

"I don't know Carson."

Carson sat back in his chair. "What is it you don't know?"

Nyla nervously pulled on the bottom of her locks. "I don't know if- if I feel the same as you Carson."

"Then what do you feel?"

"I feel something I just- I don't know-

"Do you hate that I kissed you?"

Nyla quickly shook her head. "No."

Carson then got up and poked her forhead. "Then don't worry too much on how you feel. 4 months is when you divorce right?"

Carson saw the confusion on Nyla's face and explained. "The whole pack knows by now."


"So in four months, give me an answer then okay?"

Nyla looked at Carson and saw a smile that reflected through his glasses. "Okay."

But Nyla felt her heart ache as she thought.

I still love Wayne too. Is this really okay?


"You really didn't have to do this."

Wayne shrugged as he placed the cups on the table.

"I know I just-" Wayne looked at Nyla. "I just feel like I should."


Nyla said as she sat at the table and stared at the food. She's not gonna lie and say she doesn't feel uncomfortable. The man she's married for nearly 5 years has almost always seemed a stranger to her. Seeing him trying to change that makes her a little anxious.

"Do you like the food?"


Nyla then looked back down at the food and snapped out of her thoughts. "Oh yea I like it alot! Did you- did you make it?"



The two stared at each other and Nyla blushed after she blurted that out. "I mean- Wayne- have you seen your cooking?"

Wayne smiled lightly and nodded. "Yea I wouldn't even trust myself in the kitchen."

"I'm pretty sure even the ingredients don't trust you in the kitchen."

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