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"It's nice to see you back Wayne."

Wayne gritted his teeth as he kept his head down at the person sitting in the office.

"Alpha Norman."

Yash raised a brow as he smiled at Wayne's expression. "You've seem more calm then you were a few days ago when you caused all the commotion."

"I've had time to recollect my barings."

"Hm. And your wife? I heard she had to undergo surgery again. Pitiful thing she is."


Yash felt a chill in the back of his neck as he turned around and saw the crazed fierce glare Wayne had. Wayne who once stood across the room stood very closely behind him. Wayne didn't touch him but the look in his eyes didn't mask his desire to.

"Alpha Norman." Yash almost jumped from Wayne's dryly horse voice. "I hope you refrain from making any comments about my wife while she's recuperating."

Yash and Wayne stared at each other for a few moments before Yash burst into laughter. "Jeez Wayne so uptight these days."

Stepping back from Wayne Yash sat down in his chair. "But if it bothers you so much I'll stop."

For now.

Wayne ignored him as he stood back at his spot from across the room. "Alpha Norman. You called for me?"

"Oh Yes!" Yash pulled out a few documents from under his drawer. "Winter will officially be starting tomorrow so you should make sure that Johnathan has everything needed for the trip to Rose Forest and that the council has their wolves ready."

"And what will you be doing?"

Yash stood up as he straightened out his shirt. "I'll be spending time with my son. You would be surprised how fun it is to bond with your own child you created... o wait- Yash turned around and smiled as he opened the door. "You don't have none."

Wayne's eye twitches as Yash closed the door behind him making Wayne internally yell. He felt like he was going to burst a neck vein from all the anger Yash is putting him through.


Wayne banged his fist hard on the table, denting it and making a few of the desk drawers pop out. Huffing he finally takes a few deep breaths and looks at the drawers.

"What's this?"

Wayne grabbed a picture out of one of the drawers. The picture was clearly old and worn out. It showed a young Yash and an unknown girl hugging together smiling.

Who's this?

Knock! Knock!

Wayne quickly closed the drawers and placed the photo in his pocket.

I'll look into this later.

Wayne opens the office door and looks to see Greea staring back at him.


Wayne closed the door as he looked at her. "Luna Greea. If you are looking for your husband he just left to look for your son."

"Actually I'm here for you."

"Me?" Wayne immediately leveled his guard up. "Why?"

"Nyla. Tell her that her Beta Female position will be revoked."

Wayne felt an urge to loose his mind this early morning. "And why is THAT?"

Greea felt Wayne's intense anger and knew her husband probably irritated him about something as usual.

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