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"Will we really allow him to challenge Alpha Norman? I mean this never happened before?"

"We cannot allow it!" Alpha Tiles slammed his fist on the table. "It'll shift the norms of werewolves! The heiarcy will be jeopardized!"

"He won the case fairly I think it should be considered."Beta Female Robyn interjected.

"Yes but it wasn't him but his wife. Her justice is already served what is the need to challenge his Alpha? No matter how forsaken that man is!"

"You are right Luna Gara." Beta Female Tullip said. "She should challenge her Luna instead. It'll seen more fair that way." Luna Gara's smile fell as she glared daggers at Beta Female Tullip.

Alpha Jenkins gave her a look. "Beta Female Tullip what are you implying?"

"I'm sure she's just joking. This is a tense case after all some jokes should be made here and there." Gamma Female Pauline said in Beta Female Tullip's defense.

"Yes but this isn't a joking matter. Not when Beta Female Nyla's family is right outside the door."

Just as Beta Roger said this Nyla's family came through the door and angrily started fussing.

"Let Beta Long challenge Alpha Norman!" Nillian yelled at he came charging through the council door. "He has to pay after what he did to my little sister!"

"We understand your concerns but we have the situation handled and are coming up with an alternative sol-

Norman smiled with anticipation as he ignored Beta Caden's words. "There's no alternative that'll be befitting for the punishment of the man who raped my sister than having him challenged for the thing he holds dearly. His title!"

"With all due respect challenging an Alpha for his title seems childish. Especially if it's already stripped from him. What benefit would it give any of you with challenging him for a title that's already gone?" Gamma Female Holly asked confused. She was a Gamma she didn't understand much of the importance of a lost title for a Beta and Alpha.

"Becahse, having your title taken from another Alpha and having your title taking from a Beta or any other lower ranking title holder has a different impact on an Alpha." Nillian smirked. "Most of all, his pride takes it differently."

The Alpha's and Luna's in the room gazes turned cold as they stared at Nillian. "What exactly are you implying Nillian of the Miller lienage? You are willing to insult an Alpha for the reputation of a Beta Female?"

"I didn't know a Luna can easily forsake one of her strong holds as pawns for her husband's pride!" Nicholas said as he snapped at Luna Kennedy. "Then again it's not the first time a Luna has done that."

"What you are implying is tarnishing for the Luna's who work hard to protect our Gamma and Beta Females-!"


Nicholas turned to Luna Gabby. "Isn't your daughter Luna Greea? She's a Luna who forsaken my daughter to your monstrous son in law. The same way you forsaken my wife to your husband who died by his hands."

The room took a still as many stared wide eyed at Luna Gabby who turned to Alpha Nile who's expression darkened.

"Beta Miller. Don't think that just because of your lienage you can slander me this way."

"Slander? Don't think you are the only one who can hold grudges ..." Nicholas continued. "But I'm not here for old woes. I prayed my daughter wouldn't end up like her mother but I'll be dammed if I don't protect her like I couldn't for her mother."

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