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"We are all here today on the requests of the Werewolf Council on behalf of Beta Long of the LockHart Pack."

Tension filled the court as surrounding werewolves watched below the podium of Wayne and Nyla sitting to one side and Yash and Greea to the other. With Lilith and Johnathan in the middle.

"So the case is really real."

"I wonder what this is about."

"Is the allegations really true?"

"I wonder what's going on."

Nyla felt her hands shake as she felt her stress rising from all the other people in the room.

I can do this. I can do this.

Nyla looked up to see the surrounding people constantly glancing in her direction. She shook her head.

Fuck this I can't do it.

Nyla then felt a hand clasp over hers. Wayne kissed her hand and held it tightly. "Hey, I'm right here for you."

Nyla stared at him for a moment."Thank you Wayne."

He pinched her nose. "No problem love. You look beautiful today." And he meant it. Regardless of the stress on her face the beauty he found in her gretish blue striped blazer coat and matching pants that fit well with her black shirt made him love her even more.

 Regardless of the stress on her face the beauty he found in her gretish blue striped blazer coat and matching pants that fit well with her black shirt made him love her even more

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"The Case of Beta Wayne against Alpha Norman will now begin."

The judge looked at Wayne. "Beta Long please make it to the stand."

Wayne nodded as he ran his thumb over Nyla's hand before he got up from his chair and made it to the stand.

"Now, please tell us the reason for your case against Alpha Norman." The judge then gave him a look. "If it is find out what you speak today isn't the truth. You and your wife are in risk of loosing your titles... and your heads."

Yash chuckled as he saw Nyla's uncomfortable expression.

"That is for you too Alpha Norman. Don't make your son also pay the price if it occurs."

The smirk on Yash's face stiffened as he thought of his son Yorell. With a balled fist he glared at Nyla.

I won't let her win this case.

"I want Alpha Norman to be punished for raping my wife."

The crowds in the stands filled with gasps as the murmured amongst themselves and gazed at Nyla more openly.

"Ignore them Nyla." Lilith held Nyla's hand gently. "You will win this."

Nyla smiled at her thankfully. "Thank you."

"And when was this?"

"During the LockHart's Pack ABG Ceremony."

"Can you tell us what happened during that incident?"

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