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"Okay Nyla let's try this again."

"Okay." Nyla said as she sat down in one of the chairs. "I'm ready."

"So, how are you feeling?"



"Well." Nyla sat back and thought for a bit. "I've felt as I said earlier a bit numb... sad and irritated."

Darci wrote down on her notepad thoughtfully.

"Nyla. When you are alone how do you feel?"

"Really numb. I feel empty. Mentally a bit peaceful but empty."

"How bout around others?"

"I don't like being around others. They started to make me feel suffocated. "

Darci hmmed as she also took note of that.

"Okay, let's try some breathing exercises."


"Okay Nyla today's session was really good I'll see you tomorrow."

Nyla felt herself smile as she actually looked for to tomorrow's session.

"Yes I'll see you tomorrow."

"Also ill make sure to prescribe you anxiety pills. They should come in the next few days. Take them moderately Nyla."

Nyla left the therapy office and as usual wore a hoodie over her head so as to not be spotted. As she was about to unlock her car door she felt weight on her leg.


"Nya whar have yu been?"

Nyla stiffened. Honestly she has thought about Yorell but she didn't know how she would face the child. The face of a child that looks so much of the father she despised to death. Along with the fact she hates herself for the fact she cares for this child so much.

Or else it wouldn't have happened.

Just as Nyla was feeling bitter she finally looked down to look at the child. Her heart then fully melt as she stared into the innocent and pure eyes of the 5 year old boy.

It's not his fault.

Nyla gently picked up Yorell who layed his head on her shoulder.

"I've been resting lately."

"Do yu have a anjory?"

It took Nyla a minute to process what the little one was trying to ask.

"A what?"

"An anjory. Do you have an anjory?"

Yorell then checked her right hand then shook his head.

"No anjory here."

"Oo you mean injury Yory?"

"Ya do you got one? Momma says you do."

Nyla took in a deep breath.

Really Greea?

"I have, something like that. It's more like a brain injury."

"Brain anjory?"


Yorell then took his hands and gently touched all over her face and head. Then shook his head.

"No buise."

Nyla chuckled as she ruffled his hair. "It's there yory. It's just you can't see it."

Nyla then pointed to his head. "You know when you get a head ache do you see a bruise?"

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