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"Leave it alone Greea!"

"Did you really have to be like that?! You make it seem like im so horrible!"

Yash continued to ignore her as he walked into his bedroom. Irritated Greea shoved him as he closed the door behind him. "Don't ignore me Yash! I am your wi-


Greea held her cheek painfully as she fell back after Yash struck her across the face.

"All you do is yell! I don't need you telling me what to do!"

"You don't listen to me!"

Yash raised his hand to slap her again. "You don't run nothing here!"

Greea closed her eyes but the swing never came as Yash walked past her and into the bathroom.

"The next time you piss me off Greea I will do far worse!"

Greea sighed as she leaned her head against the bed.

What a mate I have.

"Shit shit shit shit shit!"

Greea groaned as she clenched her hair and stared at the pregnancy test fustratedly.

"I'm pregnant."

Yash and his wolf already hates us. They'd loose there sanity if they found out we are having another child.

Greea bit her nail. "The Luna position is already in jeopardy from Yash's actions. If the council decides to punish him-

Both the baby and Yorell will loose the claim to their bloodline.

Greea smashed a cup on the floor. "Ugh fuck Yash! Why do you always make a mess?!"

Yorell who was watching the scene looked at his mother confusedly.

Pwegnat? Wat is that?

When Greea left the room after throwing the pregnancy test in the trash bag Yorell quickly grabbed it and ran out the room giggling.

I'll ask dad!

"Dad! Dad!"

Yash stared down at his son who was pulling on his leg. "What do you need Yorell?"

Yorell hugged his father as Yash picked him up and placed him on his lap. "Wa does Pwegnant mean?"


Yorell held out the pregnancy test in his hand. "Mommy had tis. She said pwegnant."

Yash's eyes darkened as he stared at the object in his son's hand.

"Put that down and do wash your hands." He turned to an omega. "Go call Greea now."

After Yorell left the room a few moments later Greea came into the room.

"What is it?"

"Are you pregnant?"

Greea flinched. It hadn't even been a full 24 hours since their last argument and he already found out she's with child.


Yash then grabbed a napkin and slid the pregnancy test across the desk. "Isn't this yours?"


Yash grabbed her cheek roughly. "Should I take you to the pack doctor or will you lie in my face again?"

Tears spilled out of Greea's eyes. "I'm keeping the child!"

"And whk gave you the right to decide that?! After how sinful you've been do you think you deserve to keep it?!"

Afrer a moment of looking at her He fiercely let her go. "I'll care for that child." He then gazed at her eyes. "But I won't care for you. Whether you live or die during the pregnancy is none of my concern."

Greea rubbed her cheek in pain as she nodded.

"Now get out. I have things to do."

Just as he said this Wayne came into the room along with Johnathan. Both men watched as Greea scurried out the room without much of a greeting.

"What do the two of you want?"

Wayne and Johnathan smiled at each other as they see the irritated mood of Yash.

"We are relinquishing all of our Beta and Gamma duties to you?"


"And instead help Johnathan manage the Rose Forest exploration and prepare for the upcoming trial."

Yash grit his teeth. "Giving up this much power will weaken you."

Johnathan shrugged. "The pack members respect us either way and my wife is about to give birth to our first child in less than a week." He then smiled as he opened the office door. "So basically, you can say I'm on a maternity leave."

Wayne shook his head smiling. "That's not how it works."

"Whatever. Either way I'm out."

Yash snidely turned to Wayne. "And is yours about to give birth too?"


"Then why-

"Me and my wife are going to continue spending time together." Wayne smiled at him sarcastically. "Besides, you should also find time to worry about the case. There's much going against you."

Yash balled his fist as the two men walked out of the door calmly. "Dammit!"

Wayne nudged Johnathan as they walked out the room. "Is your wife really giving birth so soon?"

Johnathan smiled. "Actually she already gave birth. I just told him that so I'd have more time to me and my wife."

Wayne almost tripped on his own two feet. "Really?!"

Johnathan nodded as he wrapped an arm over his neck. "Come on Nyla should be there too."


The two continued to talk as they made it towards Johnathan's house. Inside Lilith was holding a baby in her hand as she rocked back and forth on the couch.

Wayne stared at the child with awe. "It's a boy."

Johnathan smiled as he sat down next to Lilith as she held the brown skin new born in her hands.

"His names Jamal."

Wayne continued to stare at the baby

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Wayne continued to stare at the baby. "He's beautiful."

After a while of admiring the child he then got up and reached for Nyla. "Come on we gotta head back."

"Hm?" Wayne watched as Nyla absentmindedly pulled herself from her gazing of the newborn boy.

"Oh! Right I'm coming!" Nyla turned to Lilith and Johnathan. "You three stay safe I'll see you guys later!"

The two waved at them as they left. "Later yall!"

As the two left Wayne noticed Nyla's quiet attitude. "Do you want one?"

Nyla looked towards Wayne. She never thought he'd ask her this question from how many times he shot her down, but still lately she's acknowledged Wayne is unpredictable.

"Always." She then shook her head. "But not at the moment." Nyla grabbed his hand. "Right now it should just be me and you."

Wayne tightened his hold on her hand and smiled. "Right."

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