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"It's quite fun out here isn't it?"

"Yea it is." Darci ran her fingers through her curls. "Way more better than working all day in that office. Like don't get me wrong I love my job but sometimes I have my own issues to worry about."

"Well, it's a good thing your Beta Female ordered you to take a day off."

"And we just so happened to run into each other."

"Nothing wrong with that."

The two women chuckled as they grabbed a snack from a snack stand. The two women walked along a hiking trail. Along the way they saw different trees, bushes, rivers, and animals.

"I've toke your advice."

Darci turned to Nyla as she ate her sunflowe seeds. "Hm?"

"During one of our sessions, you told me part of healing is forgiveness. For not only for yourself but for others too. I haven't been able to forgive myself or a few other people, but I did realized I blamed a wrong person."

Darci smiles as she heard Nyla's words. "Well, it all takes time. And it's only been nearly two months. You shouldn't force yourself to do heal too quickly. Just be paitent."

"Thank you."

Darci noticed Nyla seemed spaced out. "What's wrong?"

"Lilith, she's pregnant."

"Really?!" Darci smiled brightly. "I'll have to tell her congratulations when I get back."

Darci noticed Nyla was still upset. "Isn't that good?"

"It is good it's just... I'm envious." Nyla said as she looked up at the clouds. "I want a child. Another family that I can be there for and who can be there for me whenever Wayne isn't doing his part. I'm just tired of waiting for him."

Darci hmmed as she sensed Nyla's frustration. "I think, it's time for you to tell him. How you've felt. From the sounds of it, you've seem to feel like this for almost the whole 5 years of your marriage. If you don't start talking to him your marrige will be a bit chaotic."

"I don't even know if I still want this marriage."

Darci heard Nyla's mumble but didn't say anything. What could she say? It wasn't her place. Even though she's her therapist she's never been married. She wouldn't be able to relate to Nyla's struggles.

"Come on. Let's go back."


"Dr.Jefferson how long will you be here tonight?"

"Give me a minute I'm still filing out some paperwork."

The nurse nodded as she left the light on. "Alright have a good night Dr. Jefferson."

"Goodnight to you too."

Carson watched as the nurse left the room. After he heard the door lock he opened his journal from under the pack of papers. He took his pencil and slowly started sketching.

"Wow they look so pretty!"

"No! I want one!"

"Flowers. Mainly Nemesia."

"I just find myself liking them."

"Ugh." Carson groaned as he placed his pencil down and took of his glasses.

Her voice is all I hear.

Carson twiddled with his pencil as he thought.

She's so pretty.

Picking up his pencil he continued to sketch the flowers. As he did so he felt his emotions become more and more wild. Finally when he was done he sighed as he held his head in his hands.

I'm in love with a married man's wife.

"Beta Long. We discovered bar residue and a broken lamp belonging to the room. But the stained sheet still isn't found."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. You all may retire."

Wayne sat back as he fiddled with the pendant. Slowly he felt his emotions take a surging turn. A mixture of anger and fear. He hopes it's not as he thinks. He wishes its not.

It can't be.

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