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The crisp sea breeze filled the air as Nyla curved her dreadlocks behind her ear. 4 years have passed since the case that shook the werewolf world. So much have changed. Also Darci and Carson married and have a little 5 year old son of their own named Darren. And just as she promised him she greeted him with a smile and a big hug celebrating their union.

Darci thanked her sincerely.

"Thank you Nyla."

"Of course!"

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!!"

Nyla turned away from the scenery to glance down at a little 4 year old girl running towards her on the sandy beach.

Nyla chuckled as the little girl ran into her mother's bosom. "Imani slow down love."

Imani giggled as she pulled her mother's hand.

"Mommy I wana pway in water!"

"Alright now." Nyla picked up her daughter and took her near the shore. "But only this far alright? You know how your father is over you being in the water too long."

Imani nodded. "Okay!"

As the mother and daughter pair continued to play near the water they heard the shuffling of sand behind them.

"Momma! Momma!!"

A little 2 year old boy waddled up to his mother in the sand.

Nylas eyes light up at the two year old who struggled to walk without falling down on his bottom."Isaiah hey baby! Do you feel better now?"

The two year old giggled as he snuggled in his mother's embrace. "Yeth!"

"Mommy carry me too!!"

Nyla placed her for year old daughter on one hip and her son in the other. The three shared laughs and giggled as they moved away from the water and towards the sand.

"Which one of you can make a better sandcastle?"


The two children started playing in the sand while Nyla watched them in content. After a while she looked around.

"Where's your father?"



Wayne tumbled in the sand with Nyla in his arms. She groaned and hit him in the chest.


"Yes love?"

Wayne's eyes held mischief in them as he had his arm wrapped around Nyla's waist while he was above her.

"My locks!"

He moved a few of her locks out of her face. "And?"

"I just cleaned them!"

"I'll clean them for you."

Nyla huffed as she looked up at her husband. "Wayne! We have a really important meeting tomorrow!"

Wayne layed a soft kiss on her lips."They won't miss us. They should know by now that clearly we are busy."

"Ew! Cover your eyes!"

Wayne rolled his eyes at his daughter. "Imani really?"

She shook her head as she covered both her and her giggling younger brother's eyes. "You nasty!"

"Then go play with your little brother."

Imani beamed as she grabbed the hand of her younger brother. "Yay!!"

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