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"So, Beta Female Nyla. How are you?"

Nyla mentally rolled her eyes. She was actually here. In a fucking therapist office. She told Wayne a week ago this is the last place she'd want to be.

Not that he'd actually listen anyway. As usual.

"I'm doing fine. The best I can be at the moment actually."

Her therapist hmmed as she wrote down on her notepad.

"Dr. Brown is this really necessary? I don't need to be here."

Dr. Darci Brown. The well-known and best professionalist in her field. With long curly hair, dark brown skin, and medium brown eyes. She's the literal definition of beauty with the brains.

Now the well known professionalist that she's always admired now becomes her therapist because she is the problem. As a Beta Female with pride... this is embarrassing.

"Yes, Beta Female. You need someone to talk to and to help you. It's my job that you get that help."

Nyla scoffed as she sat back and ran her fingers down her dreadlocks.

"Help? Does it look like I want it Darci?"

"No, but you need it Nyla. And whether or not you want it you will receive it. I'm telling you this not only as your therapist but as a friend."

Darci and Nyla tend to bond with each other once in a while. Both besides Lilith one of the high positioning black women in their pack they tend to find lots of common attributes to each other. Not that Nyla knows Darcy as well as Lilith, but there's some history there.

"I don't want it."

Darci ignored her and proceeded with the therapy session.

"Nyla. Tell me how you are feeling now."

Nyla rested her head on her fingers and sighed.

"I feel... a bit numb."

"I need you to dig a little deeper Nyla."

I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

"Well that's what I feel Darci."

Darci didn't push it but just wrote down on her paper.

"Is there anything you want to talk about Nyla."

"No. I didn't want to be here."

Darci again didn't say anything and just wrote on her notebook.

After a few moments Nyla then heard Darci's voice.

"So far you seem to do much avoidance , irritated, and emotionally closed off your feelings seems to make you temporarily numb. In situations like this it's normal during the first session but as we do more I can assure you that it-

"Okay we are done here."

Nyla got up and proceeded to walk towards the door.

"Nyla the sessi-

"Is now over. As your Beta Female I order you not to stop me."

Darci then under Nyla's command planted herself back into her seat as Nyla slammed the door behind her. Sighing she grabbed her notebook.

And a bit tempermental.

She rubbed her temples.

This will be a long road.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!"

Carson then turned to see who entered the room. Nyla stood inside the doctor's office with two apples in her hands and threw one to Carson as she bit her green apple.

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