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"Well, I didn't know you was into drawing."

"Yea it's just a hobby of mine since I was a kid. It was a kind of therapy for me."

Nyla looked over his shoulder and towards the journal in his hand. She pulled on his arm excitedly. "Let me see your drawings!!"

Carson swatted her away. "You are gonna make me drop my damn froyo." But he did open the journal. " I have about 5 books but this one's my favorite."

Nyla eagerly handed Carson her froyo as she swiped through the book. As she did each page seemed more beautiful than the other. Different meadows, forests, flowers, animals, objects and lots of other things.

"Wow they look so pretty!"

"Of course they would, I made them."

"No one asked you to be cocky."

"Then give me back my book."

"No!" Nyla shook her head as she held the book closer to her. "I want one!"

Carson sighed as he ate his froyo.

"Okay, what do you want me to draw?"

"Flowers. Mainly Nemesia."

Carson raised a brow at her. "I didn't know you liked those."

Nyla shrugged as she handed him back his book. "I just find myself liking them."

"Alright. I'll give it to you in a week. I'll be busy at the hospital."

"Thank you."

The both If them walked in silence for a few moments. Nyla filled with thoughts of the flower drawings until Nyla caught Carson's gaze. "What's up?"

"Nothing." Carson didn't know how to explain it, but he felt different when he was with Nyla. "I was just staring at your hair."

Nyla subconsciously touched her dreadlocks. She took a spoonful of her froyo, mouthful she looked at him confused. "Is there something wrong with them?"

"No, I like them."

Nyla found a smile form on her face. "Well thank you."

"No problem." Carson threw away his froyo and smiled at Nyla. "Imma take you somewhere."

Nyla saw the smile on his face and three away hers also. "Alright, where we going?"

Carson grabbed her hand as they walked around. After a few minutes they appeared in front of a clearing.


Carson smiled as he looked at her."I know." Turning back to the clearing he sat down in a sigh. "It's beautiful."

The clearing was beautiful. The surroundings were filled with bushes filled with flowers and berries along with small animals and a huge view to the sunset.

"Is this where you get all your ideas from?"

"Yes. I do."

Nyla sat down beside him and layed her head on the grass.

"This is my favorite spot. You can come here too if you want."

Nyla hmmed. "Thanks."

Nyla found herself staring at Carson. His blond hair, green eyes, and clear glasses made him charming in a way.

"What are you looking at?"

Nyla snapped out of her thoughts as she saw Carson smiling at her as the sunset beamed on his skin and at that moment she felt something stir in her heart.


Lilith jumped as she saw the figure at the door. "Nyla!" She sat up quickly as Nyla came into the room. "I wasn't expecting you to be here."

Nyla herself didn't know why she was here. As of late she finds herself going to wherever her heart takes her. Sighing Nyla touched her lightly bruised eye before sitting down.

"I was told that you were in your room today so I thought I'd pay you a visit."

Lilith noticed how compared to the last time she talked to Nyla, Nyla's voice had become more lighter and not raspy as before. Still it's more deeper than her usual voice. It made sense though because it's been almost two months since the women had a decent conversation with each other.

Lilith smiled a bit. "Yea lately I haven't been feeling well."

Nyla nodded quietly. "Right..."

The women sat in silence for a bit. Lilith confused about the reason for Nyla's visit.

"I'm sorry Lilith."


Lilith snapped out of her daydreaming as she heard Nyla's voice.

"I'm worry Lilith. I shouldn't have- I wasn't supposed to blame you for something you had no control over."

Lilith shook her head. "No its ok-

"No its not." Nyla sighed as she leaned her head against the wall. "You've been my best friend since middle school. You always had my back. But I was just so... angry. I still am. But I shouldn't have don't that to a friend who was trying to help me. You were right. It was my fault I'm the one who went that night."

Lilith pulled Nyla into an embrace. "No no no its not your fault. Its never your fault. You wouldn't have known. No one would've guess that would've happened in such a night like that. You love Yorell and Yash took advantage of that. It's not your fault."

Nyla felt a few tears slipped down her face as she held her best friend tightly.

"I'm so so sorry."

Lilith shook her head as she felt tears of her own.

"No I'm sorry too. I should've stayed."

The two women cried in each other's embrace for a while before they broke apart. Lilith sniffled with a smile. "I shouldn't be crying so hard or else Johnathan will burst through the door and freak."

"And why is that?"

Lilith had a gentle look in her eyes as she rubbed her belly. "Nyla, I'm pregnant."

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