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A month calmly passed by as the two continued to spend less of their time on other pack members and with each other.

"Nyla where are you going?"

Nyla untangled a few stands of her locks. "I'm going to work. You should too."

Wayne groaned as he sat back on his head. "I wanted us to stay home."

Nyla placed her earrings in her ears as she stared at Wayne. "Work doesn't get done by itself. Lilith and Johnathan just had their kid. We have no excuse to not work."

"So staying home isn't a reason?"

Nyla gave him a look. "Wayne."

"Fine." Wayne sat up and opened the room door. "I'll go."


Wayne stared at Nyla as she continued doing her earrings. "I'm going."

"Okay, go."

Wayne opened the room door wider. "I'm walking right now."

"Wayne. Leave the room."

"I don't wanna go!"


Nyla turned to her husband who stubbornly wouldn't leave the house. "Just at least stay there for an hour. Two hours top."

"Then will we come back?"



Nyla breathed a sigh of relief as Wayne left the room. "Finally." Nyla ran her hands down her dress and nodded to herself.

Looks good.

"Almost forgot."

Nyla rolled her eyes as Wayne stepped back into the room. "What is it now?"

Wayne gave her a tender kiss on her lips. He smiled as he saw the startled expression on Nyla's face.

"Now I'll leave."

Nyla left her daze and shoved him. "Leave!" She turned away from him as she hid her blush while he laughed and left the room.

So embarrassing. I'm not 20 anymore.

Nyla straightened herself out. "Okay it's time to work."


"No no no do it again."

The three pack warriors held their hands on their legs as they tried to grasp their breath.

"But... Beta Long... you- you just told us to do it that way."

Wayne got up irritatedly and grabbed a nearby pack warrior. "When you go for the cut- He grabbed a knife and placed it fiercely placed it near the warrior's neck. "You make sure you go for the vital points without cutting him."

"Wayne if you force them to do it again they might end up really cutting each other."

"They wouldn't if they do it as I told them."

Johnathan shook his head as he nudged the scared pack warrior out of Wayne's grip. "You guys go take a break I got it from here."

Johnathan then turned to the irritated Wayne who was sharpening his knife. "What's up with you?"

"I don't want to be here."

Johnathan raised a brow. "And why not? Don't you always love working."

"I wanted to spend more time with Nyla today."

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