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"Are you hungry love?"

Wayne asked as he glanced at Nyla who was sitting quietly in her seat. She hasn't said anything to him since they've left the hospital. Much to Wayne's dislike.


Nyla whispered, her head hurted and all she wanted to do was sleep the rest of the day.

"Welcome to Chick-fil-A what would you like to order?"

Nyla glared at him as she croaked."I thought I told you I wasn't hungry?"

"You haven't eaten since this morning. I don't want you to starve love."

Wayne said as he pulled into the drive- thru. He knew Nyla said no, even so, he didn't want his wife to spend the rest of the day on an empty stomach. He wanted to make sure she's fed. Even if she doesn't want it.

"Fine do what you want."

Wayne glanced at his wife as he grabbed the food from the drive thru and handed her a water bottle.

"Dr. Jefferson said to not strain your throat it's still damaged."

Nyla did remember Dr. Jefferson examining her throat. He said her windpipe was nearly broken and that she should take things slow. Not much yelling or screaming unless necessary. He prescribed some medicine and cream to help sooth the aches.


Nyla then continued to glance back out the window. Staring at the clouds and the bright sunny sky. Being so close to death made her realize how much she should've cherished small things like this before. With that thought in mind Nyla fell asleep leaning on the window.

"Make sure the Beta Female eats when she wakes up."

Wayne whispered to Samantha as he gently placed her on the bed and under the covers. She yawned and turned over facing away from the two. Wayne closed the door behind him and handed Samantha some pills.

"Make sure the Beta Female eats these. Give her two. These are for her throat."

Samantha nodded. "Yes Beta Long."

"Also watch over her for the rest of the day. I need to go back to work and make sure the pack's doing alright. Mindlink me if anything comes up."

"Yes Beta Long."

Wayne then grabbed his coat and left the Beta House.

Along the way as he walked passed the pack members he noticed the sympathetic looks they gave him. It confused him greatly.

Why are they looking at me like this?

Just then Johnathan came up to him and whispered in his ear.

"The pack knows that Nyla..."

Wayne felt frustrated. Why was everyone in his family business. The last thing Nyla would want is anyone spreading gossip on her situation.

"Also Yash called for us to be in the office."

Wayne sighed. "Alright."

The two walked into the packhouse and past by a few injuried pack members along the way.

It doesn't make any sense. Why did the rouges come outta nowhere now?

Wayne thought this as he and Johnathan entered Yash's office. Inside the office Yash was sitting in his chair staring off in the distance. Wayne noticed the nasty bruise on his eye that stretched to the back of his head.

"Yash what happened to you?"

Johnathan asked as he stared at the gruesome mark on his face. It made his face look a bit unsettling.

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