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"Come on Nyla!"


Nyla shook her head at Wayne. "I don't wanna."

Wayne glared at his stubborn wife fustratedly. "Nyla let me come out your hair!"

"I don't wanna-"

Nyla was telling him she was gonna take out her locks and Wayne's curiosity made him beg her to let him to it himself. Nyla now knows she should've rejected him no matter what.

Nyla got up and tried leaving the bathroom with her wet dripping dreadlocks falling on her shoulders. Wayne quickly grabbed his wife and pinched her nose harshly.

"Sit down so I can take them out!"

"But you are heavy handed."


Nyka huffed as she glared at Wayne who smirked confidently and dropped her towel as she sat back down in the warm tub.

"Don't pull."

Wayne smiled. "Alright."

Nyla felt a tug on her hair. "Wayne-

"That was so you don't try running."

She turned around and debated whether or not should she pull his hair.

"I already washed mines."


The month was passing by smoothly and the two relationship took a small turn. Wayne has been going to therapy to help with his trauma along with relationship counseling making their relationship become a bit more sweeter than before.

Wayne fell into a rhythm as he undid Nyla's dreadlocks as Nyla hmmed silently.

Her hair is so long.

And it was, Wayne was nearly halfway done and he noticed Nyla's locks reached nearly the bottom of her back.

No wonder she loves this hairstyle.

Wayne continued to take out the last five and watched as Nyla sighed relieved.

"He's done. I'm saved."

Wayne pinched her nose and glared at her. "I have to wash and come your hair."

Nyla pointed to her matted and tangled hair. "You literally just undid the dreadlocks! I think that's enough."

Wayne grabbed the shampoo and conditioner and gave Nyla a look.

"Why don't you like being clean?"

Nyla gave Wayne a look of her own.

"Why don't you like being less controlling?"

The two stared at each other and rolled their eyes.

"Kiss my ass."
"Kiss my ass."

Nyla sat back as Wayne lathered shampoo in her hair.

"I like being clean it's just you so rough."


Nyla threw shampoo bubbles at Wayne. "Not like that."

Wayne laughed as he ran his fingers through her hair. "I didn't say anything."

"You were implying something."

"What was I implying."


Wayne threw shampoo in Nyla's face. "Nasty."

"Wash my hair Wayne you got it in my eye!"

Wayne held his laughter in as he titled Nylas head and helped her wash out her hair. As he did so he admired how her hair felt under his hands. He's always feeling it when it's in locks but he never felt it when it's not in it. He wished he asked her sooner.

Wayne passed her a towel. "Here imma put conditioner and comb out your hair."

Nyla pouted as she turned and begged. "Can I do it?"




"Okay, that's good. You guys did well on your first mission."

Johnathan followed Yash out his office. Yash noticed as he walked down the hallway and out the house many pack members went silent as he walked passed. Many gave him a side eye making Yash uncomfortable.

"Johnathan, why are they looking at me like this? Lately the other packs have stopped cooperating in trading with us. Do you know why?"

Johnathan rubbed his neck stressed. He then after a few moments of debate he handed him the announcement from the Werewolf Council.

"The werewolf council sent this."

Yash read the paper and felt his eye twitched as he felt the accusatory stares of those around him.

How dare he humiliate me like this?!

Yash bit his lip harshly as he balled up the paper in his hands. "WAYNE!"

Johnathan watched him and rolled his eyes.

You are the problem.


"Your hair is so pretty Nyla."

Lilith nodded at Darci's words as she ate a grape and rubbed her pregnant belly.

"It looks different."

Nyla blushed. "Wayne he- he was very excited to see my hair underneath the looks."


"Yea." Nyla laughed at the thought. "He stared at my hair for a solid two minutes and said why didn't I know your hair was this long? But he was a bit heavy handed." Nyla rubbed the back of her head at the thought. "He is a great retwister though."

"So the both of you seem good lately?"

Nyla sat back on the chair with a smile. "Yes."

"How bout you and Carson?"

Nyla stiffened at the thought of Carson. She won't lie the past month she rarely, no barely thought about him. Wayne was so dedicated in fixing his mistakes Nyla took joy in watching him try and found herself satisfy with it. Now with the mention of Carson she remembered her conflicted emotions about him.

Darci stared at her concerned. "Do you have feelings for him Nyla?"

"I don't know."

Darci then thought for a moment before she said what was on her mind. "Nyla."

Nyla looked up. "Yes?"

"Maybe you don't love Carson."


"Maybe... just maybe what you feel isn't love, but gratitude."

"Gratitude for what?"

"Gratitude for the fact he was reliable when you were going through the early stages of your trauma, not because you love him."

Nyla was going to object but found herself not being able to speak up against it. She thought for a moment.

I-is that true?

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