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"This area is clear Beta Long."

"Okay, Josh take a few wolves to check the south clearing. Nathan you do the same in the northern."

"Yes Beta Long."
"Yes Beta Long."

Wayne in his shifted form watched as Josh and Nathan split into groups and check the surrounding borders.

"Dillian you lead the east while I'll lead the west."

"Yes Beta Long."

After Dillian's group leaves Wayne and his remaining group run towards the western border. The group spends about an hour inspecting the border. Making sure and trying to find evidence on how the Rouges would come during that night so suddenly. But Wayne had something else on his mind.

He said to assign Nyla a therapist. Is it really that bad that she'd need one though? And why did she said I don't love her? What is she thinking? Don't I always tell her I love her?

As Wayne was preoccupied in his thoughts he heard the link of a nearby wolf.

"Beta Long. We've found something."

Wayne and the other 2 near him hurried over to his side just ad the rest of the wolves from the other borders came back over with the group. The wolves inspected the thing of the floor confusedly.


The pendant was a bit odd looking. It looked rusty and a bit old. What made the pendant odd was that no matter how old it was, the scent it radiated off of it was-

Wayne growled.


He was confused though. If this is a Rouge's pendant how did this pendant get so far deep within the borders?

As he was contemplating this she suddenly heard the urgent mindlink of Russell.

"Beta Long you need to come back now!!"

"What is it?"

"It's the Beta Female. She's been raging and she won't calm down."

"I'm on my way."

"Dillian I'll leave you in charge. Give the pendant to Johnathan in the meantime!"

Without another word Wayne quickly ran to his house. Along the way he felt immediately increasing concern for the well being of his wife.

A few moments later Wayne then enters the house to see pots thrown and glasses shattered on the wall.

What the he-


Wayne quickly ran to the direction of the noise to see in the living room Nyla had a bat and was breaking the table, pots, and lamps around the room.

"Nyla! What are you doing?!"

The surrounding omegas around her subconsciously sighed in relief at the sight at Wayne. They can't control Nyla but her husband could.

"...all know."

Wayne hears the slight mumble under his wife's breath. Quickly he rushes to her side and takes the bat from her hand.

"What are you doing Nyla?!"

"They all know!! They all know Wayne!!"

Wayne then understands what his wife's talking about. He then signals Russell and the rest of the omegas to room. Which they bow and quickly scurry off to clean the mess that Nyla made in the hallways.

the true meaning of being a beta Where stories live. Discover now