41: The Access

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Getting onto Naxzela was easier then Lance imagined.

He had thought that Pidge's cloaking would be spotted or that it would fail.

Of course he didn't want to fail, but there was that ever lingering fear of them being caught that crawled into the forefront of his mind whenever they had to encounter the Galran's.

Which was a lot in his new occupation.

"We'll monitor things from here." Allura assured. "Go get that information."

"What happens if you guys get seen?" Lance asked as he gripped the back of the green lion's pilots chair.

"The Olkarians upgraded our shields." Coran said sounding beyond excited. "If we are spotted it will give us a great opportunity to use them."

That wasn't exactly comforting.

"If needs be one of us can pull back and go and help." Shiro said with a smile. "So don't worry."

Hunk placed his hand on Lance's shoulder. "It's okay to be anxious Lance, but we can do this, Pidge is a pro at cloaking things."

"You know it."

"Alright." Lance nodded.

They landed in the shadows hiding from the Galran's prying eyes and then they were infiltrating a small unit.

"The access hatch is through this tunnel." Pidge explained as she slashed through the panel making it fall open.

Why the galra had built this terminal so weirdly escaped Lance. He really didn't understand it.

"Alright, Pidge, good work but you're going to have to go in." Shiro frowned.

"I can't, I have to monitor the feed from here." Pidge frowned gesturing to the control panel.

"But you're the only one who will fit." Hunk pointed out staring into the small opening.

"Well then you'll have to find a different way in." Pidge huffed.

"Paladins we have been spotted." Coran informed.

"I'll fit." Lance mumbled gaining their attention. "I can... I think..."

"Lance." Shiro nodded.

"Give me the cable." Lance said holding his hand out.

Pidge quickly handed it to him before frowning. "Are you okay?"

Lance swallowed thickly as he tied the cable to his belt before he stepped forwards. "Yeah, I practically grew up in mineshafts. Ha."

The laugh tagged onto the end was awkward and stiff. He knew everyone was staring at him.

"Lance we can find another way." Shiro said catching his shoulder.

Lance stared into the tunnel, it was small and cramped and made Lance's skin crawl, his stomach curl and his palms sweat.

"Paladins, we're taking heavy fire." Allura said over the coms gaining their attention. "The shields are holding but we're not sure for how long."

"We don't have time." Lance whispered stepping closer to the tunnel. "I can do this."

Before anyone else could protest Lance was crawling in trying to keep his eyes locked onto the end as he moved as fast as he could.


"Do any of you know what Lance was talking about?" Hunk asked quietly, he had muted his com so Lance couldn't hear while he talked but kept it open in case Lance needed him.

He watched Keith do the same before he met Hunk's gaze. "Lance was taken by the Galra, he mentioned it to me before, but where he was taken I don't know." He admitted looking back down the tunnel. "But I don't think it worked out well for him."

"Lance how's it coming?" Shiro asked where he was stood guiding the cable into the tunnel.

"I can't do this." Lance breathed out.

"Okay, talk to me." Shiro encouraged voice changing tone slightly.

"Feel like I can't breathe." Lance explained before there was a loud thump, probably his helmet against the metal wall. "I feel sick."

"Lance, listen to me." Pidge encouraged sharply. "You're closer to the main control area than you are to us. If you want to get out of there you need to keep going forward."

There was a shaky breath from Lance before there was a slight scuffle. "Okay." He whispered. "Okay."

"That's it Lance, once you get out wait there we'll come find you." Hunk added soothingly.

"Alright." Lance mumbled.

"You got this Lance." Keith encouraged firmly. "I'm going to see if I can buy you some more time, take as much time as you need."

Shiro sent Keith a thankful glance before Keith smirked heading off to get his lion so he could help Allura and Coran.

"Shiro?" Lance asked after a few moments of radio silence.

"I'm here." Shiro assured.

"I'm out." Lance informed sounding shaken. "What am I doing?"

"Look for a blue light." Shiro said glancing at Pidge's screen. "It's fairly big."


Hunk hated not being able to see Lance or help him, it was clear that Lance was struggling through this and as a team they could feel it as if the blue lion was amplifying his emotions.

Giving them an insight into how he was feeling when facing this. But it was dulled, clearly Lance was still blocking most of it.

"Then what?"

"There should be a grey screen, to the left of it is a circle hole, that's where the cable needs to go." Shiro explained. "You got it?"

There was loud clicking sound before Pidge's screen lit up brightly. "He got it." She whispered.

"Good job Lance, well done. I'm coming to get you." Shiro said but then paused with a frown. "Lance?"

Hunk realised it too. He was being awfully quiet.

"Lance?" Shiro asked again trying to keep his tone level. "Lance answer us."

"Lance?" Pidge asked sharper, her worry creeping in.

"I'm here." Lance breathed softly. "Sorry, just um... Ow."

"Lance what's wrong?"

"N-nothing. I'm fine."

Shiro shared a glance with Hunk before he was running down the corridor.

Hunk knew what that look meant. "Pidge, the moment you got it we need to get out of here." He said shutting off his com again.

"Do you think Lance is okay?" Pidge asked quietly lifting her gaze to meet his.

Hunk gave a small smile. "Shiro will make sure he's okay."


Shiro arrived in the small room after cutting a hole through the metal wall.

Lance was leaning back against the far wall, staring at something.

Or rather someone.

Shiro activated his arm getting the aliens attention.

"Who are you?" He demanded as he moved closer to Lance knowing he needed help.

Lance took a shaky breath once Shiro was standing beside him.

"Who are you?" The alien countered.

"I already told you." Lance grumbled.

"I have seen the paladins of Voltron. You are not one of them."

"Yes, he is." Shiro growled. "And how do you claim to know us?"

The alien lifted his hand tapping the side of his helmet. It opened and Shiro took a sharp breath.

Lance made a confused noise. "What the cheese?"

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