50: Held

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When Lance took his first deep breath in what felt like forever everyone watched him anxiously.

He didn't wake but he was definitely breathing better.

Coran was changing the covers on Lance's bed cleaning up the blood stains as best as possible.

Lance's chest was strapped up currently protecting the tubes that entered his body at different points.

The plan was to place him in a pod the moment the machines finished but until then it would be an anxious wait.

"Well done Coran." Allura smiled placing her hand on his arm. "You did it."

"I just hope it was the right thing." Coran admitted quietly. "I don't know what I'll do if..."

"He'll make it." Kolivan said firmly from where he was checking Lance's pulse. "He's doing good."

Coran nodded wordlessly.

Allura patted his back then took the blankets from him. "You should rest, I'll clean up."


"Stay with Lance." She encouraged before she vanished from the room.

Coran sat himself next to Lance eyes worriedly flickering over the boys face. He had only ever felt this fear once, and it was right before he lost his best friend Alfor all those years ago.

A faint smile came to his face as he palced his hand over Lance's. He had found another friend.

One with a spark similar to that of Alfor, one that Coran would cherish and guard with his life.

At least with this one he had been able to protect him and potentially even save him.

"I'll be here when you wake." Coran whispered even though he was sure Lance couldn't hear him.


Lance made a weak groaning noise and it had Coran's head snapping up.

The others had come in the see what they could do to help but the answer was nothing.

They came and went when they could, running the castle without Coran and Lance until the two could return to their jobs again.

Coran hoped it wouldn't be too long until Lance was back to his usual self.

The bright smiles and the strange but honest outlook he had.

He had missed him dearly.

Lance's eyes fluttered a few times then opened marginally.

"Coran?" He mumbled barely above a whisper.

"Hello my boy." Coran smiled. "You're awake."

"Am I?" Lance asked frowning slightly. "Why can't I feel anything?"

His head lulled forwards slightly and then he paused.

Coran knew what he was looking at.

The two tubes that entered his body. One at his chest which was thin and small the other which was slightly bigger came out of his side.

"What on earth?" He asked eyes flicking back to Coran.

"Your lung collapsed." Coran explained. "You were in a lot of pain and you were feverish."

"That sounds bad."

"It was." Coran nodded. "We managed to reverse the damage, as soon as your body is rested we will remove the tubes and you can go in a pod for a while."

"Sounds good."

Coran tilted his head noting the change in Lance's skin, it was more like his usual colour and he didn't look so terrible anymore.

"What?" Lance asked slowly.

"It's good to see you awake my boy." Coran smiled.

Lance gave a faint one back. "How did you know this would work?"

Coran reached for a tablet and held it out to him. "This, Kolivan and Allura managed to find it we couldn't read it but we worked it out from pictures."

"That's English." Lance frowned. "You found an earth book?"

"It would appear that way." Coran nodded.

Lance gently took the tablet his eyes flickering across the page as he grimaced. "Did you really have to stab into my chest above my third rib to decompress my chest?"

Coran blinked. "Well yes."

"Yeah I don't want to read that." Lance decided pushing the tablet away.

He looked mildly amused but also horrified.

Coran chuckled. "You are a strange one."

Lance shrugged. "Gotta keep you on your toes."

The room was quiet for a while and Coran contemplated suggesting Lance sleep some more, but he didn't really want Lance's company to end.

"Why do you look so tired?" Lance asked with a frown.

"One of us would stay up with you to make sure you were alright." Coran explained.

Lance's frown didn't lift. "But why do you look so tired?"

Coran sighed. "Because you were very ill my boy, and I had to be sure that you were alright, especially since I..."

He trained off with a weaker sigh.

"Oh." Lance whispered.

Then he was moving.

Coran went to protest, Lance's body needed rest and not this constant strain, when Lance dropped his head onto Coran's shoulder.

"Thank you." Lance huffed out, his arm gripping tight to Coran's jacket.

"You're welcome my boy." Coran whispered. "You really should lay down."

"S'easier to breathe like this." Lance admitted softly. "This okay?"

Coran smiled wrapping one arm around Lance, cautious not to injure him. "Of course this is more than okay."

Lance gave a soft hum and Coran could feel the moment he dozed off into sleep again.

Coran smiled to himself brushing his hand through Lance's hair.

The boy needed water and probably food soon, but he would let Lance rest a little longer before calling Hunk to bring him something.

Right now though he would let Lance rest and let himself enjoy the knowledge that he had kept his friend safe.

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