60: That Happened

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Pidge raised an eyebrow at the yellow and blue paladins when the arrived back on the castle.

Yep, the castle, the two paladins had called the castle for an evac, what had happened to the two the rest of the team had not been told and it wasn't comforting thought.

Lance shot an awkward smile and a wave, while Hunk rubbed the back of his neck.

At least neither of them appeared injured.

"So," Allura said slowly watching them both with sharp eyes, confusion clear in her tone as she spoke, "what happened?"

Lance and Hunk's eyes met and they both shrugged.

"A lot." Lance admitted rubbing his hands together. "We both got hypnotised, I got kidnapped, Hunk tried to kill me, we tried to stop the queen only to find she was also a victim then we had to fight a Baku and it nearly ate Hunk."

"A Baku?" Shiro said glancing to Hunk. "Why didn't you call for back up?"

"We... We might have forgotten to." Hunk admitted gesturing vaguely. "It all happened so fast, but you should have seen Lance, he was awesome."

"Thanks man." Lance beamed.

"And the Galra?" Shiro asked.

"Well..." Lance said glancing to Hunk. "We wanted to show you guys, we found this on the Baku once it was down."

"What?" Coran asked looking between the boys unable to see what they were talking about.

Lance gestured dramatically behind him then for them to follow him.

Hunk chuckled shaking his head.

"What is that?" Allura frowned looking distastefully at the goo covered Galran tech looking piece of machinery.

"I'm more concerned as to what's on it." Coran frowned kneeling next to it.

"Baku brain fluid." Hunk answered with a shudder. "It was partly in its head."

"A Baku being controlled by the Galran's." Shiro said crossing his arms. "This is a new level of evil for them."

"Not massively." Lance sighed rubbing his face. "The Galran's used to chip non Galran scientists so that they wouldn't escape or keep secrets."

"That's horrible." Allura gasped.

"Theres no such thing as free will with the Galran's." Lance mumbled. "You learn that early on. If you're important enough to them they'll take that away."

"So explain again, in more detail, what happened." Allura said holding her hands together.

"Okay." Hunk said. "Here's what happened;"

"What is fishing?" Hunk asked as Lance moved the blue lion around smoothly through the water.

"It's... How do you not know what fishing is?" Lance asked with a frown. "Do you guys not eat fish?"

"What's fish?"

"I'm having a mental breakdown." Lance grumbled to himself as he rubbed his face. "Okay, I'm gonna have to find you guys a book about earth culture."

"Where are you going to get a-"

"I'll write one if I have to." Lance decided firmly. "Not tha ti remember everything about earth, most of it is a bit hazy."

"How long has it been?" Hunk asked softly.

"Too long." Lance sighed. "Come on, let's take this thingy down and be done with it."

"Just be warned that the Baku is very dangerous." Hunk reminded. "They're unpredictable and angry and-"

The blue lion slammed into the sea bed as something heavy hit from above.

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