77: Listen

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The arena was complete chaos.

One of Lotor's generals, most likely Narti, had released all of the arena participants and they had started to enact their own revenge on the Galran's who had been cheering for them only a few hours ago.

It was so complicated that if you didn't keep an eye on everything then you would get swept away with the wrong fight.

Lance sometimes lost Keith and Shiro in the crowds, narrowly dodging punches aimed for his head from both Galran's and their enslaved arena participants just to try and get back to them.

Hunk joined them in the middle of the arena using his cannon to push the Galran's back giving them some breathing room.

Lance was greatful for his arrival, not only because he took out nearly a whole wave of Galran's in the process but also because Lance could feel the effects of yesterday's battle begining to kick in.

He wanted to sleep.

Lotor had arrived too, he was injured, as expected really, but he was still fighting valiantly. If Lotor could be counted as valiant.

Lance wasn't sure anymore. Not after he murdered his father as a distraction.

But they formed a small circle around Shiro pushing their way towards an exit, any exit really.

"I can't get back to you guys." Pidge explained sharply.

"What do you mean 'get back'?" Lance frowned pressing at the earpiece he was wearing. "Why did you leave?"

"Haggar, she set the modified fighters on me and my lion."

"We need all the lions." Keith decided. "Shiro needs a pod."

"You can say that again." Hunk agreed patting Shiro's back getting a tired grunt for the Altean hybrid.

"I'm coming to help." Allura informed.

"No, stay at the castle." Keith growled.


"If you get caught then we can't get away." Keith reminded.

"Get to the higher levels." Lance suggested over his shoulder. "We've got your backs."

It was their only option now.

"You got quite a team." Shiro groaned as Keith hauled him along. "How did you find me?"

"Lotor." Keith answered. "He found you and got us to you."

The team made it slowly towards the auditorium of the arena and Keith was starting to think that this had gone too well.

Again his mind flashed back to Lance's conversation about jinxing and he groaned. Now something was definitely going to go wrong.

He glanced back to see Zax had cut off Lance and Hunk's from their small group.

Lance and Hunk didn't seem deterred by the action and carried on as if oblivious to the change of opponent.

Keith was proud of them, but he wasn't prepared to lose anyone today.

"Lance! Hunk!" He called.

"Just go!" Lance shouted back.

Lotor threw his sword at Zax's arm but the wound healed and Zax didn't even flinch.

What was he made of?

Haggar then appeared in the arena as Lance and Hunk tried to dodge Zax's uncoordinated attacks. He was losing control.


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