8: Blur of Red

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Lance hated this plan, why did he agree to it again? Oh right cause he's an idiot and thought most of it up.

He even suggested it.

They had fixed up Lance's crashed ship and decided to use that, along with 4 of the sentries that had tried to kill him.

He was piloted up to Sendak's ship, answering the calls explaining that it had found the rebel scum who had escaped.

Lance had this horrible pit in his stomach.

He had been cuffed and dragged through the ship towards the control room. The dreaded control room.

He could hear Allura's tense breathing in his ear piece and suddenly he felt like he was under a spotlight.

Any mistakes and he was dead along with team Voltron.

"Rebel found and apprehended." The lead sentry informed.

"If it isn't the rebel." Sendak growled as he loomed over Lance, he was massive in stature and Lance genuinely hated him. "Hand it over boy."

Lance glared up at him trying to keep his fear at bay, he could assess the tremble in his legs later.

"Lance, tell him that you-"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Lance said sharply.

Sendak sneered. "Don't test me boy."

"Alright, tell him that you know-"

"Or what?" Lance asked again cutting Allura off. "What are you going to do? You've already taken enough from me."

"Lance." Allura warned.

"I can take so much more." Sendak growled his claws extending as he reached towards Lance. "Now where is it?"

Lance hesitated. He wasn't waiting for Allura to speak, he didn't need her input. Instead he waited just to irritate Sendak.

He knew that Sendak was an impatient man, jumping into action rather then using words.

He had a reputation, one Lance knew.

For his efforts a punch was provided to his stomach. He doubled over on a gasp eyes wide.

"I'm only going to ask this once more." Sendak grit out tugging on Lance's hair. "Where is it?"

"I'm not telling." Lance whimpered softly.

"Lance, Keith has his lion."

Hearing those words made Lance relax slightly. They now had 3 lions, that was good.

"Sir, someone has entered the hangar with the lion." Haxus said sharply making Sendak drop Lance who fell to his knees.


"It seems that they are taking the lion." He explained further.

"Where are the guards?"

"All the sentries are down." Haxus explained as he continued to type on the glowing screen. "Someone is messing with the controls."

Sendak then spun to face Lance who still had two sentries standing over him the other two having already left.

Sendak growled lowly before he moved forwards looming over Lance again. "You."

"What about me?" Lance asked defiantly.

The following punch had Lance flying sideways, he fell back against the metal wall with a sharp cry before he slumped.

"Launch the fighters and get the ion cannon ready, destroy their ships and eliminate them before they can get away." Sendak altered sharply.


The alarms ringing wasn't a good sign, but Keith was already with his lion and was figuring it out there.

"Shiro get back here." Pidge encouraged over the coms. "I've set those new sentries to blow."

"What about Lance?" Shiro asked with a frown.

The plan had been that Lance would meet them there, where Shiro was stood now by some prisoner cells.

The prisoners had already been loaded into the green lion but there was still no sign of Lance.

"I can't reach him either." Allura informed sounding slightly irritated. "He didn't listen to me at all, I wouldn't be surprised if what he said got him killed."

Shiro shook his head. He didn't like the idea of just leaving him here. He didn't know what Sendak might do to Lance if he survived this.

"I'm going to find him." He decided. "Hunk, start your attack, I'll let you know when we're out."

"Okay, if you're sure." Hunk replied.

Shiro nodded to himself before he ran. Lance had to be somewhere, he wouldn't just give up.

Would he?

Three Galran soldiers appeared around a corner.

Shiro paused letting them recognise his presence before he let his metal arm light up. He winced with it.

It had been far too long since he last used this arm and the memory of it still felt fresh even after 10,000 years.

He knocked out the first one and went for the second when a panel above them gave way.

Shiro managed to jump back but the Galran's weren't so lucky.

Shiro was greeted with Lance who slowly stumbled to his feet.

He had several bruises and a few cuts, his chest plate had several scratches on it, he was pale and shaky and he looked like he was going to pass out.

"Lance." Shiro said sharply catching one of his arms looping it around his neck. "Let's get you out of here."

Lance gave a faint nod but seemed happy to just stay quiet.

Shiro didn't pressurise him.

"Red won't open up." Keith said anxiously. "I can't get her to let me in."

They could all hear Keith's frustration and anger and fear.

"Keith you can't force your lion to do anything." Pidge reminded. "Just let her figure it out."

"We don't have time for that!"

"You need to calm down." Lance mumbled as he tripped on his own feet.

"What was that?" Keith asked sounding confused.

"Lance said you need to calm down." Shiro informed side-glancing Lance.

The radio silence from Keith informed Shiro that he was possibly pondering it.

There was a slight mumbled from his line before it fell silent.

Shiro got Lance to the green lion getting on board with him.

"Keith, talk to me." He said firmly as he sat Lance down.

"I'm back in business." Keith sounded so smug as his lion roared loudly.

Shiro smiled brightly looking back at Lance who looked up at him looking almost puzzled.

"We did it." Shiro informed with a bright smile. "Let's head back."

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