79: Distance

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The next morning felt like it took an eternity to wake up. He felt heavy and tired and all his muscles ached and spasmed.

He shrugged his jacket on with a yawn before heading towards the dining room.

He felt somewhat at ease with Red's powerful force stirring in the back of his mind.

He felt like he could do anything.

He had no idea what time it was or where the others were but the castle was quiet.

Strangely quiet.

When he arrived in the dinning room Keith was there with another Galran.

They both flinched eyes snapping to Lance who froze the moment he saw them.

"Sorry." He mumbled before backtracking slightly.

"Lance wait!" Keith called standing up, and Lance did as he was told.

He lifted his gaze, his eyes narrowing as he looked between the two.

Golden glowing eyes watched him closely as he walked back into the room. Two sets of Galran ears flickered almost in sync.

"Are you too like..." Lance frowned, he didn't really know how to say it in the best way but Keith didn't mind when Lance was blunt so he hoped that this other Galran wouldn't mind either. "Related or something?"

Keith smiled. "Something like that."

"Right." Lance nodded, he fiddled with the tear in his sleeve. "I'm not interrupting am I?"

"No." The woman smiled as she stood up. "So you're Lance?"

"Yeah, don't believe everything these guys tell you." Lance mumbled as he grabbed a food goo packet from the side. "They tend to exaggerate."

"I doubt that, Keith isn't one to exaggerate." She smiled. "I'm Krolia and I'm..."

"She's my mum."

Lance practically spat out the food goo he had just put in his mouth.

Keith and Krolia watched him with concern as Lance started laughing. He bowed his head eyes crinkling with amusement.


"Wow." Lance breathed leaning back. "That's awesome dude, sorry."

"Why are you apologising?" Krolia frowned tilting her head.

"Cause I really needed some good news today." Lance admitted with a smile. "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too." Krolia nodded. "You're human."

Lance hummed. "Apparently the only human in space, which I doubt but yeah."

Krolia made an uncertain noise before she glanced to Keith who shrugged. "I've never seen another human, do they all look like you?"

Lance chuckled. "Nope, none of us really look the same, like how all the Galran's have different coloured fur and different ears."

"Interesting." Krolia nodded. "How old are you?"

Lance frowned. "Um..."

"You don't know?"

"I was 8... Then 12... Then 16... Now 19? Maybe 20... I don't know."



"Deca-pheobs." Keith corrected with a smile.

Lance smiled. "Yeah those."

"You're young then."

"I am? How old are you?"

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