13: Let me in

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"What's going on?" Keith asked sharply.

"Pidge and Shiro went to go and check out Sendak's crashed ship for more information." Allura explained appearing on the screens on their bracers. "While they were out there a strange device crashed into the ground, we believe it is a challenger for voltron."

"But we've never formed Voltron." Hunk said anxiously.

"I know, but I bet they want to cut us down before we even get into the air." Shiro said over the coms. "We're nearly back but the rest of you need to get out there."

"Just a small problem." Lance said sharply. "I don't know how to pilot this lion."

"Ah." Shiro said quietly.

The coms were quiet for a minute.

Lance stared up at the blue lion who had leaned down to greet him her jaw opened wide to accept him.

He didn't know if he could move.

"Alright Lance." Shiro said after a few moments. "We'll talk you through it."

Lance frowned. "Okay." He mumbled walking forwards.

He felt a warm purr in the back of his mind as he entered but he ignored it. He didn't know if he liked the feeling.

Soon he was in the cockpit sat in the chair, he remembered being inside the yellow and green lions cockpit so he recognised some of it.

As he sat down though the chair suddenly moved forwards startling him as two handles appeared as did two pedals.

"What-" he started anxiously.

"Alright Lance, basic run through." Pidge greeted him appearing on his screen. "When you push the handles forwards you'll fly forwards, and when you pull back you'll move back."

"Right." Lance nodded taking the handles nervously.

"The pedals allow you to control the back boosters, they turn them off when you press them." Hunk explained as he too appeared.

"But sometimes your lion will fly sort of for you." Keith chipped in on the coms.

"Alright Lance care to join us out here?" Shiro asked.

Lance swallowed thickly as the large doors opened, he had to get through there?

"Alright." He mumbled pushing the controls forwards. The lions juddered forwards and Lance silently cursed the situation.

No one had talked him through this.

"It's just like your Bayard Lance." Hunk suddenly chipped in. "The first time is the hardest and seems like it's impossible, but you can do this."

"Let Blue in, I know you don't want her looking at everything, but you can let her see something. Even if it's small."

Lance clenched his jaw at Shiro's words and sighed, he would let Blue see something and then he would block her out.

But first he had to help them win this battle or it would have all been for naught.

"Okay." He breathed softly. "Okay."

There was almost like a roar inside of him, he knew where it came from and then he felt his body naturally take up position.

Like someone was manually guiding him to hold the controls correctly. Like someone was there with him.

"I'm ready." Lance mumbled before he pushed the controls forwards, the lion lurched forwards with speed.

Lance couldn't help the massive grin that appeared on his face as the lion appeared out of the castle to fly high into the sky of Arus.

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