28: Run

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The waiting option wasn't working. It wasn't working at all.

None of them had seen Lance.

His bedroom door was locked and he hadn't even answered when Hunk had knocked.

At first the worst had been thought and everyone panicked. But a scan with the castle's features told them that Lance was safe and well.

But him locking himself in his room wasn't useful.

As Hunk pointed out, they needed Voltron for the battle on the Balmera, which was fast approaching.

As the hours ticked by Allura's anger changed to frustration, then to concern.

She was a lot quieter and seemed to be thinking of a way to approach in hopes that Lance would show his face or even just answer them.

Hunk had been the first to break, he had gone straight to Lance's door and asked if he was alright.

Lance hadn't replied.

Hunk had stayed there and waited for a while before he was called to help Coran fix up the castles defenses ready for the battle.

Pidge was the next to cave.

She had tried to sneak a camera into his room but Shiro didn't want to breach Lance's privacy. It wasn't fair on him to do that.

Coran had been the next one to go and see him but again, no response.

"I'm becoming worried." Allura admitted. "If he refuses much longer, we're forcing the our way in."

Shiro frowned. "That might push him further away."

"I was overly harsh with him, I want to apologize." She explained quietly. "And to do that I need to see him."

"Alright." Shiro nodded. "But if he isn't happy we leave."


A few hours rolled by, still not reply from the blue paladin.

He had been out of his room though, when they didn't know but he must have been very quick.

Hunk had found a plate left on the side, it wasn't in its usual place and had a note with it saying sorry.

Clearly Lance wasn't sure where it went and felt bad for not having that information.

Shiro thought it was okay. Thought it was normal with what was going on.

He was also relieved to know that Lance had eaten something at least.

But Lance had gone back to locking himself away.

And now Shiro had decided it had been too long.

With a heavy knock he stood at Lance's door. "Lance we need to talk." He informed.


"If you don't answer I'm opening the door." Shiro added sternly.

Still nothing.

He sent a glance to Allura who gave a faint nod. Using his metal hand Shiro forced the door open to find his bedroom completely empty.

"Lance?" He asked cautiously. It was deadly silent. "Lance."

"Where is he?" Allura asked anxiously as she stepped past Shiro heading towards the linked bathroom.

She was quickly opening the door and vanishing inside.

Shiro shook his head focusing on the room. The bed was made and looked like it hadn't been slept in.

His jacket and old armour was still tucked into the corner along with his blaster. So he hadn't left.



He quickly found Allura who was stood by the mirror, it was shattered with pieces of glass on the floor, but what was worse was that some of the glass had blood on it.

"We need to find him." Shiro said urgently.

"The mice can help." Allura said firmly as she turned to face him blue eyes big and concerned.

Shiro let her handle it. Once he had a location he would feel more comfortable about Lance's condition.

He just hoped it wasn't anything too bad.

He checked one of the medical kits under the sink in the bathroom, sure enough something was missing from it. That was a good sign.

"I've found him." Allura said gently.

"Alright, let's go." Shiro nodded closing the box up before following her out.


The room was quiet, mostly anyway.

Aside from deep breathing and occasional sniffs it was silent.

He had been an idiot and didn't know where to go or what to do.

He had wanted to help, wanted to be something better for once but it didn't work because he wasn't capable of better or good.

He didn't really hear the doors opening, nor did he hear footsteps until it was too late.


He refused to look at the black paladin. He probably thought Lance was being so childish and silly at this point.

He was literally sulking because he got told off.

A warm hand was on his shoulder and Lance couldn't stop the slight flinch from it.

"Lance, look at me." Shiro encouraged gently as if he needed eye contact to be sure it was Lance.

Lance sent a side-glance his way, not sure if he could fully face him yet.

Shiro smiled slightly at it, he didn't know why he was smiling. "You had us worried there bud."

Lance frowned at him.

"We didn't know where you were or if you were okay." Shiro continued squeezing his shoulder gently.

"Why would it matter?" Lance whispered his voice tight and tired. He felt so drained after that fight with Nyma.

"Because you're part of this team, and we all make mistakes and it's okay." Shiro promised and he sounded so certain that his words could fix Lance alone.

Lance shook his head. "It's not okay." He whispered back. "I have a horrible tendency to ignore orders and get people hurt."

"No one got hurt."

Lance scoffed weakly. "Blue won't talk to me."

He could feel Shiro's frown, he didn't need to look at him to know that it was there.

"Okay." Shiro said quietly. "I'm sure it will pass."

"What makes you so sure?" Lance asked meeting his gaze properly this time.

Shiro smiled slightly. "Because I know that you belong here."

That word.


It made something inside Lance snap. The good kind of snap he supposed. Or maybe it wasn't?

"Lance." Shiro said anxiously as tears began to leak from his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Lance hiccuped lifting his hands to hide his face. His right hand twinged uncomfortably at the movement but he ignored it. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright." Shiro said gently. "How about we head somewhere more comfortable?"

Lance nodded rubbing angrily at his eyes, he didn't want to cry anymore.

Shiro got up holding his hand out for Lance but Lance just stared at it. "What's wrong?" Shiro asked gently.

"I... I broke my leg."

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