19: When things go wrong

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"We have to hurry." Hunk said as Coran flew the pod as quickly as he could. "Lance didn't look so good when we left, Coran are you okay?"

Coran sighed. "I am well, I am just worried about Lance. He... He saved my life."

"Yeah, he's got guts." Hunk admitted quietly. "But he'll be okay, right?"

"Shiro will make sure of it." Coran nodded. "And I have hope that Lance will hold out."

Hunk offered a nervous smile. Coran was right, Lance seemed determined to live which was a good thing.

And with that in mind it made it easier to see Lance bouncing back from this.

The Balmera then came into view.

Hunk shifted nervously in his seat. He hadn't seen a Balmera in over 10 thousand years.

"Are you alright?" Coran asked quietly.

Hunk gave a slight nod. "I think so."

Coran patted his shoulder with a frown. "Just be prepared."

"I am." Hunk nodded.

He didn't know what the Galra had done to the surrounding planets, he knew he couldn't trust them to be nice.

But even with all of his mental preparation nothing prepared him for the sight of the Balmera.

"No." Coran and Hunk breathed at the same time.

The Balmera, a creature so kind and generous was covered in metal structures that dug deep into its surface.

Hunk shuddered. They hadn't even landed yet but he could feel the pain. "What have they done?"

Coran didn't answer, his grip seemed to tighten on the controls and for once partially showed his anger.

Hunk blinked at him slightly. "Coran?"

"They have no respect for anything." Coran explained quietly. He sounded almost hurt.

Hunk didn't blame him.

"Let's get down there." Hunk decided before a shadow over-cast them.

"Unidentified aircraft. You are in Galran air space. Land immediately and prepare to be boarded."

Hunk looked up at the Galran fighter, it was so much bigger than their pod. He felt a small sense of panic begin to swell in his chest.

But Coran seemed back in his element. His hands fluttered around the controls.

"Um not thanks, were just taking a quick look." He replied.

"If you resist we will open fire."

Coran's small smile made Hunk worry. Things were about to get complicated.

"Alright, coming into land." Coran said before smirking at Hunk.

Again Hunk did not feel reassured.

Suddenly the pod pulled back twisting before it began its dive, it was going way to fast.

"Coran!" Hunk shouted gripping onto his seat for dear life.

"Hang on." Coran replied pushing the pod faster.


Keith sprinted down the hill stopping where the Arusian king stood.

Amongst the flames of the village Keith could see the sentries. Their imposing figures standing ready, armed with their blasters.

"I'm going in." Keith informed his Bayard becoming a sword. "Stay here."

"Are you sure?" Allura asked worriedly placing her hand on his shoulder.

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