71: Nitty Gritty

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"Paladins." Kolivan greeted with a nod before glaring towards Lotor. "I hope that you will be able to help us liberate this planet."

"That's the plan." Keith nodded as he stood next to him. "How far have your men got?"

"Not far, we're hoping Voltron-"

"Voltron's a no go at the moment." Lance informed spinning his helmet on one finger. "We haven't got a red paladin."

Kolivan glanced to Keith then back to Lance.

"Keith is now our black paladin," Pidge informed as she set up her gear, "Red currently won't accept anyone else."

"There is more than enough of us to do this." Lotor said crossing his arms. "My team has faced similar challenges before."

Hunk glanced over the ridge and down to where the Galran's had set up their barricade, right around the city. "This isn't going to be so easy."

"You can say that again." Ezor nodded. "They've got the city in a box."

Keith scowled. "Great."

"And what part of this situation is great?" Lotor frowned.

"It's sarcasm." Kolivan informed making Lance smile. "Positive words used in a negative sense."

"I can't believe you just understood sarcasm." Lance beamed.

"How do we intend on taking down this base?" Lotor huffed clearly irritated he wasn't in on the inside joke.

"Pidge, Hunk, Matt?" Keith asked.

"I can't see any weaknesses from here." Pidge frowned tapping away.

Hunk's hand was pressed to the ground his eyes closed in concentration. "The planets tired, she doesn't want to communicate with me."

"I got a plan." Lance said springing up next to Keith. "Turn me in."

"What?!" Kolivan, Keith and Lotor all said at the same time.

"It worked against Sendak." Lance pointed out.

"You purposefully handed yourself over to Sendak?" Ezor blinked. "Are you completely mad?"

"I've done worse." Lance said his gaze returning to Keith. "I can get in there and then you guys do what you do."

"You'll have no weapons." Regis reminded from where he was crouched not far away.

"Actually he will." Pidge said jumping to her feet. "We can hide one in your leg."

"In my leg?"

"In his leg? Do you know how hard that will be?!" Hunk asked turning to her.

"But it's worth a shot." Axca reminded crossing her arms. "The Galra only seem to notice weapons that are visible."

"What if you take it apart?" Lance asked as he held out his blaster. "I can put it back together when I'm inside."

"It's still too dangerous." Kolivan frowned. "You'll be in there alone."

Lance shrugged. "I can handle it."

"I don't like it." Keith admitted shaking his head.

"Well tough, it's the only option we have." Lance pointed out.

"No it's the only option you're willing to give." Kolivan frowned. "We need another plan."

"I'm not the plan maker." Lance said shaking his head. "I just say something stupid until something clicks."

"It's actually surprisingly helpful." Hunk admitted quietly.

"Throw your other ideas at us." Keith said nudging Lance's shoulder.

"Under ground tunnel, a HALO drop." Lance shrugged. "Green lions cloaking-"

"What's a HALO drop?"

"Something I've never done before." Lance said holding his hands up. "But I know the basics."

"What is it?" Lotor grumbled.

"Basically you drop out of a flying object, in this case it would be a lion, then you fall and open a parachute or in this case use a jetpack at the last second. It's free falling."

"Free falling?" Ezor asked titling her head. "Sounds like a fun way to get in."

Lance shrugged. "Pretty dangerous too."

"Plus we don't know what defenses they have above the city." Kolivan pointed out. "They might just shoot us out of the sky.

Lance cupped his hands behind his head as he stared at the city. The others were all arguing about options and plans when he spotted it.

"Why don't we just blow the gate open?" Ezor asked as Hunk stood up next to her.

"Because then we would be facing a whole city, we need to be strategic about this." Hunk reminded crossing his arms.

"We could go in at night." Keith said crossing his arms. "We would have the cover of darkness on our side."

"Not all of us can see in the dark." Lance pointed out getting frowns from them all. "I'm not Galran like you guys."

"We're only part Galran." Pidge said squinting at him.

"But all your eyes glow in the dark, you're like cats sometimes." Lance said shaking his head. "What is that?"

Their attention was now locked onto a ship that was slowly lowering to dock above the city.

It was one of Haggar's newest ships.

"That really isn't good." Lotor grumbled. "What are they doing?"

"Slave trade." Lance breathed eyes wide. "This is what was happening everywhere before Voltron came back."

"We're going to stop this." Hunk assured gently. "I promise Lance, once we have a plan we'll stop this."

"We haven't really got time for a plan." Kolivan frowned. "In a few Vargas they'll be gone."

"Then we need to come up with something and fast." Lotor noted. "Come on paladins, think of... Where's Lance?"

Keith turned sharply only to find that yes indeed Lance was gone. "Lance!"

"There he is." Ezor said pointing down the hill where Lance was moving through the trees with a sort of ease the others envied. "What is he doing?"

"Being too risky, if they see him then they'll know we're all here." Regis growled.

"He's just anxious." Hunk defended, his voice jumping with nerves. "He knows exactly how these people feel, he just wants to help them."

"By getting himself killed?!" Regis glared but Kolivan caught his shoulder.

"At least he is doing something." Kolivan stated firmly. "I have seen many a warrior shy away from a battle because of personal experiences."

"And now we've lost Keith too." Pidge sighed, gesturing to where Keith was heading after Lance. "This isn't going to end well."

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