78: Mazes and Hazes

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A lion landed protectively over them roaring harshly at everything and anything trying to encroach on the paladins.

The Red lion.

Unable to do much else, Hunk stared at the lion in confusion as Lance leaned fully into his side.

Red launched at a Galran snapping her heavy jaw shut before flicking it to the side sending the Galran flying away.

Then she was leaning down opening her jaw for them.

"Let's go." Hunk encouraged as he guided Lance in. At least now they had a chance of survival.

Once inside Lance pulled himself away from Hunk, clutching his chest as he staggered.

"Lance." Hunk said gently as he reached for him but Lance ignored him and practically fell into the seat.

He grabbed the controls and pushed the red lion into the air.

A loud explosion happened outside and Zax, Shiro's opponent, was no more.

Hunk felt that guilt crawl at his throat. At least he had gotten Lance out of there.

Cautiously he placed his hand on Lance's shoulder. "Lance-"

"We need to get out of here." Lance rasped as he guided the lion out of the arena fully and into space.

"Lance?" Keith asked as he appeared on his screen with a frown. "You're piloting Red."

"I know." Lance nodded eyes dropping slightly. "She came and got us... I... I heard her."

"I think we know who the new red paladin is then." Pidge grinned at them both. "Thanks for joining the party boys."

"Paladins the castle is ready to jump." Coran informed. "Get back here."

"Roger..." Lance nodded his body tipping to one side.

Hunk caught his shoulders pulling him back from the controls, to his relief the red lion took over piloting.

"Lance please, wake up." He encouraged gently tapping Lance's face.

Nothing happened.

"Coran, once we're clear I need you in the red lion." Hunk informed.

"I'll be right there." Coran assured.

"Why? What happened?"

"Lance just blacked out." Hunk explained. "Haggar hit him with one of her blasts."

"And he's still alive?" Lotor asked.

"Yes, she said something about him not having any quintessence in him."

"Strange." Coran admitted over the coms. "Keep him comfortable, I'll be there the second you dock."

Hunk nodded holding Lance a little closer. At least this time they were all together.


"Is he okay?" Shiro asked as he looked up at Lance's pod.

After his rescue he had been placed into a pod to recover and yet he had still beaten Lance.

He was worried.

Keith gave an awkward shrug. "We're not entirely sure."

"Lance apparently has no quinessence in him which explains why the dark quintessence didn't drain him when we were at the Rebels base." Pidge said.

"It explains a lot about Lance to be honest." Allura said shaking her head.

"It is good to see you again black paladin." Lotor nodded patting Shiro's shoulder. "I do apologise that we did not find you sooner."

"Don't worry about that." Shiro smiled. "I'm just glad to be out of there."

That was an understatement on his part, he had heard about the arena from the rebels and from Kolivan, but actually being there was horrifying.

The stuff of nightmares. And it would likely stay with him for a long time.

But being here with his team and friends felt right, it felt good.

The pod then beeped and the glass vanished.

Lance stumbled out crashing into Hunk who wrapped him in a firm hug.

Shiro was glad to see Hunk hug people again, it had been a long time.

"Lance? You okay?" Hunk asked patting the humans head with a frown.

Lance nodded patting Hunk's back. "M'good."

They all let out a sigh of relief.

Lance pulled back glancing around the room. "Did we make it or am I hallucinating?"

"We made it." Pidge smirked.

Lance sagged into Hunk again. "Bueno."

"Is that earth speak again?"

"Spanish bud, Spanish." Lance said as he looked at Shiro. "Hey man."

Shiro smiled. "How are you feeling?"

"Alright." Lance nodded. "You?"

"Much better, thank you " Shiro smiled.

"It was an impressive plan." Pidge smiled nudging Keith's arm. "And we finally got the lion situation all sorted."

"Yeah." Keith nodded glancing to Shiro. "You ready to be the black paladin again?"


"Hold up." Lance said with a frown. "You're just going to back out that quickly?"

"Shiro is the black paladin." Keith reminded.

"And so are you." Lance nodded stepping towards him.

"Keith, I want you to keep leading." Shiro chipped in. "At least until I find my bearings."

"You just want time off." Keith frowned.

Lance chuckled as Shiro nodded.

"Alright paladins, it has been a long few days, how about we all get some rest?" Allura suggested.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Lance smiled nudging Pidge who yawned. "You good?"

"I'm ready for a vacation." Pidge sighed. "We're done for a while yeah? We can sleep?"

"Yes." Coran smiled. "We can all relax for the evening."


Lance smiled bidding the others a good night as he headed towards his room. He was exhausted.

Upon seeing his bed he felt a smile tug at his lips.

A warm growl reached him.

"Hi." Lance whispered, directing it towards Red. "So this is new."

Another growl.

"You're not much like Blue are you?" Lance chuckled. "I know you choosing me was kinda spur of the moment, but thank you for saving my life."

The next sound from Red came across softer, warmer.

"Hopefully we won't be getting into any more situations like that." Lance sighed as he sat down. "Oh who am I kidding? This is team Voltron, were always going to face problems."

The next growl from Red seemed to be prompting at something.

"You're right." Lance hummed. "I should get some sleep."

He rolled onto his bed staring at the metal ceiling above him. "Goodnight Red."

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