43: Open

374 15 2

"What is Zarkons plan for us?" Shiro asked firmly as he glared at the pod holding Sendak in stasis.


Matt frowned leaning on the wall next to it. "What is happening on Naxzela?"

"Naxzela?" Shiro asked quietly.

Matt sighed. "It's been under Galran control for a long time, they're building something there and we want to know what."

Shiro nodded glancing back to the tank next to Sendak's pod. Nothing.

The doors at the far end opened and Keith entered looking pensive.

He marched over to stand next to Shiro glaring at Sendak with such venom that Shiro wondered if Sendak could feel it.

"You guys got anything yet?" He asked quietly.

"No, not yet, but we've got time."

Something then flashed in the tank next to Sendak's pod.

Matt bounced towards it tapping the tablet next to it.

A hologram popped up in front of them.

Sendak was standing there, his bionic eye flickering.

"Paladins and Rebels, you cannot hold me here for long."

"We will hold you as long as we like." Keith growled.

"I have back up plans, I can easily get out of this situation and I will make you all suffer for it." Sendak stated calmly. "This is nothing I cannot get out of."

"You haven't met us." Shiro reminded. "And we will get the information we need for ourselves and the rebels."

"Someone will come for me. Just you wait."

Matt pressed the shutdown button and the hologram flickered out. "He's a bit full of himself. Isn't he?"

"Just a bit." Keith growled.

Shiro frowned guiding them out of the brigs towards the elevator. "I think we should have someone keep an eye on this area."

"Seriously?" Keith frowned. "Sendak's not going anywhere."

"Are you sure about that?" Matt asked sounding nervous. "You don't know him like I do."

"And how well do you know him?" Shiro frowned.

"Not very well but I've worked with ones who have had it bad."

"I have a question." Keith said slowly. "How do you know Lance?"

"Oh I don't reay know him." Matt admitted looking away. "The rebels heard about him. He was in a mining system on Thayserix when something big went wrong. Since then the Galra have been hunting him and his name has cropped up a few times."

"Who was incharge of the mine?" Shiro asked curiously.

"Commander Lash, and she lives up to the name." Matt sighed. "I've met her a few times. She is determined to destroy everyone who stands against the Galra."

"Well we'll have to keep an eye out for her." Shiro said quietly.

"Trust me, she'll introduce herself." Matt said as he shuddered. "She's killed a lot of rebels."

"Then we'll have to take her down." Keith assured.

The lift door opened and Matt caught Shiro's arm with a worried look.

"How well do you guys know Lance?"

"We know he's had more then a few run-ins with the Galra." Shiro frowned. "Why?"

"I don't know all of it." Matt admitted quietly as he looked away. "But the rebel leaders don't trust him."

"Why not?" Keith asked tilting his head.

"I don't know." Matt sighed. "But they told him to get some plans because they thought that he wouldn't make it or that he wouldn't try."

Shiro and Keith shared a glance. "He told us that the rebels only offer help to those who have something to offer."

"Well..." Matt paused looking slightly awkward. "We do look for specific people with their skills but he's... He's something else."

"Yes, he's a paladin." Shiro said firmly. "He's part of this team and he's the reason why Voltron is back."

"I get that."

"But do you?" Keith growled.

"Listen guys," Matt glared, "the universe has changed, aliens have changed and sometimes you have to make decisions you never wanted to make."

"So you've give up on your morals?"

"No." Matt assured. "But I'm asking you, how well do you know Lance?"


Keith stormed into the control room hands clenched tight.

"You okay there?" Lance asked raising an eyebrow.

He was sat at his chair with his feet up on the control panel, he was holding an Altean tablet and was looking far too relaxed.

"We're going to train." Keith decided as his Bayard came to his hand.

"Now? Why?" Lance frowned sitting up in his chair.

"Because we cannot afford to relax." Keith mumbled.

"What did Sendak say?" Lance asked.

Keith's shoulder stiffened. "How did you-"

"You went to make sure Shiro was alright and then when you came back you practical had steam coming out of your ears."

"How is that-"

"Don't even ask." Lance sighed. "Let's just go and train."

Training was fine except that Keith still couldn't shift the anger or the suspicion.

Lance was a good fighter.

But as their practice session went on Keith started to notice that maybe it wasn't all on purpose.

Or maybe it was.

Keith didn't know any more.

And he hated this.

When he had first joined team Voltron he had been guided by king Alfor, but secretly by his own team.

He knew everything he needed to know about his fellow team mates, everything.

And the things he didn't know he could find out through recon or a quick visit to their home planet or their local planet.

But not with Lance.

Lance was... He didn't even know.

And amidst his contemplation he knocked Lance to the ground his blade hovering slightly above him.

"Wow." Lance breathed leaning back. "Yeah I'm out, I'm down. You win, Keith."

Keith blinked stepping backwards. He hadn't been paying attention. He didn't remember knocking Lance down, it just sort of happened.

"Lance I'm..." He started but then fell silent.

"Are you okay?" Lance asked raising an eyebrow at him.

Keith stared at him for a few moments before he found himself walking away while he shook his head.

He didn't want to be questioning Lance and his paladin status. He had been chosen by the blue lion so he would respect that.

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