31: Balmera

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Shiro didn't even know where to start on this mission, rescuing a Balmera from the clutches of the Galra without hurting it was going to be virtually impossible.

Or at least it appeared that way.

"What are those?" Lance asked pointing to the screen where large deep areas of the Balmera had been cut open.

"They're a mine shaft that lead down to the inner mines." Allura informed. "But they're not usually this big "

"They're held open by force." Hunk explained as he scanned the planet further. "The pain it's in."

"How are we even going to fix this?" Keith asked running a hand through his hair. "The Balmera is hurt enough as it is, if we go down there all guns blazing then we might hurt it more."

"You have a good point." Pidge nodded walking around the hologram. "But we don't have many other options."

"The mining colonies that we used to break up we often started with the people, assuring them that they were going to get out and that they would have a chance to live their own lives." Coran explained tugging at his mustache.

"Do you think the Balmerans would be up for a rebellion?" Shiro asked curiously as he studied the map.

"I don't know." Hunk admitted. "But for the sake of the Balmera they might."

"Yeah, if we promise that we can save their home then I'm sure we'll get somewhere." Pidge nodded enthusiastically.

"But how are we going to get there without being seen?" Keith frowned.

"A wormhole from the castle will draw too much attention, it's too big." Allura frowned. "But we don't really have another option."

"What if you open a wormhole and then we attack immediately? Fmdont give them any breathing room or whatever." Lance offered.

"It might work." Shiro frowned rubbing his chin.

"I like the plan." Keith shrugged.

"Me too actually." Pidge nodded. "Hesitation on our part will give them a chance to attack."

"Excellent, now Shiro what's the plan?" Hunk grinned.

"You sure are excited huh?" Keith smiled.

"I want to stop the Galra from destroying my home." Hunk explained with a sheepish grin. "This is something that I've been dying to do since I first found out the Galra were in control."

"Then let's go help them, here's the plan." Shiro smiled. "Lance will open a wormhole to get us in closer, Pidge use your cloaking to explore the Galran's defenses while the rest of us will head down the shafts to find the Galran's sentry charging station."

"They have to charge?" Lance asked tilting his head to look at Hunk.

"Yeah, they run basically on batteries." Hunk explained with a shrug.

"I think you need to check your information." Lance admitted shaking his head. "Their sentries are powered by quintessence."

"How?" Coran frowned. "With the size of their armies they would need a huge amount of quintessence in order to power them."

"Yeah well, Haggar likes to drain planets for the fun of it." Lance mumbled staring at the screen. "That drop zone is more likely an amunitions room."

"Possibly." Allura nodded. "We'll come back to what you said about planets later."

"Looks like we're running on outdated information." Shiro sighed. "Maybe after this Lance you could update us on everything you know about the Galra?"

Lance looked around them hoping that someone would disagree. No one did. "Fine."

"Alright new plan then." Shiro decided. "Keith and Lance you'll head down and seal their hangars, make sure none of their ships get out."

"Do you know what you're doing?" Lance asked as Keith tapped impatiently at the controls.

"Yes." Keith replied blankly. He pressed his hand to the pad and the heavy doors sealed shut.

"Oh yeah." Lance smirked nudging Keith's shoulder. "Good job."

"Pidge you need to get to a main control hatch, shutdown any Galran machinery so that the Balmera isn't being hurt anymore."

Pidge crawled thought the small gap before decending into a well lit room, she made quick work of the sentries and the lone scientist using her electric Bayard to its full.

She tapped away quickly at the controls before all the mining equipment shut down an eerie silence flooding the area.

"Mission complete." Pidge informed. "Moving to stage 3."

"Hunk you'll head underground, gather the Balmerans and get them away from the Galra, even if we have to get them off the planet for a short while."

Hunk pressed his hand against the floor of the Balmera, giving her some of his energy before sending out his message.

Slowly but surely the cave he was in filled with Balmerans.

"You are part of team Voltron?" One of the elders asked squinting at Hunk.

Hunk nodded lowering his head out of respect. "We're here to stop the galra and save your planet."

"And while you guys are doing that, myself and the castle will be taking down the surface defenses." Shiro continued. "Once you have completed your mission we have to clear the Galra out. Pidge I'm sure you can come up with something."

"One fake core overload in progress." Pidge smirked. "I just hope the Galra get out of here before we have a real core overload."

"What if the planet can't handle it?" Lance asked meeting Shiro's gaze. "It's hurt enough as it is."

"I know." Shiro nodded. "But we can't let the galra continue, we have to make our stand."

"Me and Keith are back to the lions." Lance informed as he pushed the blue lion into the air.

"Excellent." Shiro nodded. "Help me take out these ground defenses, then we'll help Hunk ferrying the people off the planet."

"Um, major problem guys." Hunk exclaimed over the coms.

"What?" Pidge asked.

"Shay's not here, the galra have her impounded on the lower levels."

Shiro frowned gripping his controls. "Pidge see if you can go get her from there. Keith go get her."


"Hunk you're leading the people out, I'm sure Pidge can patch you in on a video call until you meet up in person."

"Maybe Allura and Coran should send the castles elevator down." Lance offered looking around the group. "Then when Hunk gets to the surface they can all board that in one go."

"How many can it handle?" Shiro asked looking at Allura.

"More then enough." Allura smiled. "Good thinking Lance. This plan so far is coming together really nicely."

"Allura lower the elevator, Hunk's on his way. Lance you and me need to keep the Galran's attention." Shiro explained over the coms.

"Oh joy." Lance grumbled.

[A/n: I wanted to try something new with this chapter, I hope it makes sense.]

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