61: The Paladins Of Old

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"The Paladins of Voltron!" Coran's voice announced loudly over the speakers in the room. "Will they be able to stand against the force of the new paladins?!"

"Thank you Coran." Alfor smiled whilst shaking his head.

"Do we really have to do this?" Trygal asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yes, these are our proteges. This is to prove that they're ready." Alfor explained gesturing to them.

"That sounds great but Blaytz still hasn't found a protege." Gyrgan pointed out gesturing to the blue paladin who was checking his bow.

"I already told you guys, Blue said no." Blaytz grumbled shaking his head. "It's not happening."

"But we have all found-"

"You told me to trust my lion." Blaytz cut Alfor off. "And I trust her to be right."

"Alright, let's not have this argument again." Zarkon sighed as he walked over with Shiro by his side. "Is your team ready?"

Shiro smiled brightly at him. "You bet."

"Good." Alfor nodded. "Then let's get to this."

"Aren't we at a disadvantage?" Pidge asked as she walked over.

"I can help if you want?" Matt commented from the side.

"Paladins only." Trygal reminded.

"I was only trying to help." Matt said holding his hands up.

"I trust that the new paladins might have a better chance then the old." Krolia smiled nudging Zarkons side. "Watch your back."

"Where is Keith?" Hunk asked glancing around.

"Right here." Keith grumbled marching into the room to stand next to Shiro.

"You okay?"

"No." Keith grumbled ears laying flat on his head. "Red's getting restless."

"Really?" Alfor asked titling his head.


"Looks like she's backing someone else for this session." Melanor said as she appeared by Alfor's side offering him his helmet. "Don't go easy on these kids."

"Don't plan to." Alfor smiled pressing a kiss to her lips.

"Ehgh." Allura gagged rolling her eyes making Shiro chuckle.

"Are we all ready?" Coran asked stepping forward.

"Unless Blaytz suddenly calls in a blue paladin it looks like we're set." Alfor smirked making Blaytz stick his tongue out at him. "Positions then."

Shiro patted Keith's arm and directed him across the room as they gathered their weapons, set to stun not kill.

"We're gonna get beaten so bad guys." Hunk said shaking his hands out before picking up his blasters. "Like seriously were a member down."

"Your mum give you any helpful tips?" Pidge asked nudging Keith.

"Yeah, watch my six." Keith said as he pulled his helmet on. "I'm going for Trygal first."

"I'll take Blaytz." Pidge offered as she locked her electric vioblade into place. "Cloak and get up close before taking him out."

"Non-lethal Pidge." Shiro said deadpan.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." She said waving off his concern.

"Hunk? How about you?"

"I don't mind, but I don't want Zarkon." Hunk admitted shivering slightly. "He always gets this look in his eyes just before a fight."

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