66: Celebrities and Consequences

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"So you're Lotor." Allura frowned walking around him.

"Yes." Lotor frowned.

"And we're letting him be here?" Pidge frowned eyeing Lotor up and down.

"Hey, he saved our lives." Lance chipped in from where he was sat eating a pouch of food goo. "Twice actually."

"Yeah." Keith nodded.

"I only wish to stop this war." Lotor explained meeting Allura's gaze.

"Well..." Allura said looking to Coran who was watching Lotor with sharp eyes. "Coran?"

"We accept help from those who wish to offer it, however, if any of us feel as though you might be trying to double cross us you will not see our favour."

"Coran." Lance said looking up at him with something akin to awe. "That's a speech and a half, I've gotta remember that."

"Does this human ever make sense?" Lotor asked glancing around.

"Not really." Pidge shrugged ruffling Lance's hair. "But we love him anyway."

"Thanks." Lance said dryly as he rolled his eyes.

"Well I suggest we get some rest. Lotor." Allura nodded before turning away.

"What's up with her?" Lance asked with a frown.

"I am part Altean and part Galran."

"So is Shiro."

"Yes but my parents were friends of the paladins and the princess." Lotor explained.

"Zarkon and...?" Lance prompted.

"Honerva." Pidge grumbled before walking away.

"And she's...?"

"Haggar." Hunk mumbled sadly.

"Oh." Lance whispered. "Oh!"

"What Lance?" Shiro frowned.

"So you're the... Wow... Okay, this is complicated... Yeah Nyma had it wrong... I can't believe that Rolo got it right. He's an idiot."

"What?" Lotor frowned.

"Old friends who turned to enemies and I don't where they are now." Lance answered waving his comment away.

"Basically Lance knows nearly everyone in the universe." Hunk said casually. "You'll see Lance has a lot of knowledge on the Galra."

"Oh really?" Lotor asked crossing his arm. "What do you know of their trafficking?"

"Lifeforms or goods?" Lance asked raising an eyebrow.


"Their goods are usually mined off of stocked worlds by the aliens that live there, it's all mostly dependant on the species and the accessibility of the resources." Lance shrugged taking another bite of his food goo. "And the lifeforms have cramped quarters probably no bigger then a transport crate for Balmeran crystals."

"And you know this how?"

"Personal experience." Lance grumbled meeting his gaze. "Any other questions?"

"How did you escape Thayserix?" Lotor asked firmly.

"Yeah, when I saw you there you could hardly walk." Zethrid nodded.

Lance snorted a laugh. "Why is everyone so hung up on the fact that I escaped?"

"Because it's unheard of." Axca stated firmly.

"Yeah, there was a massive panic at Galran headquarters when you got out." Ezor nodded as she placed her hands on her hips. "You're famous."

"Oh joy." Lance said rubbing his face. "But seriously has no one ever escaped the Galra before?"

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