15: Short Lived

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"Coran!" Allura's voice called making the older Altean look towards the doors.

"Is that a good call or a bad call?" Lance asked following his gaze.

"You know my boy I'm not quite sure." Coran frowned.

Allura then arrived in the room with a huge grin. "The arusians of this planet want to look around the castle and they want to thank us for saving them from the Galran's weapon."

"I got like half of that." Lance admitted with a frown.

"The Arusians live on this planet. I believe Keith and Hunk met Kiplaz when you met the blue lion."

"Oh." Lance said quietly. "The little guy?"

"Yes." Allura nodded. "I thought we could have an open door party where Arusians could come and go as they please."

Coran frowned tugging lightly at his mustache. "We will have to seal off areas of the castle that should not be tampered with, like the control room and the lions hangars, also the teledove and the engine room."

"But what if there's an emergency?" Lance asked lifting his head.

"We can make the doors biometrically scan you when you approach the doors, that way only specific people can enter those rooms." Allura explained with a smile.

"Makes sense." Lance nodded.

"What do you say Coran?"

"I suggest you speak to Shiro, he might see a fault in the plan, but if he agrees I will set everything up." Coran explained.

"I will speak to him, Lance how are you feeling?" Allura asked looking at him.

"I feel fine, Coran says the blast was made up mostly of quintessance and he thinks that's what caused me to loose my eyesight for a while."

"Ah yes, that would explain it." Allura nodded. "You helped the team out there today, I'm very impress, the blue lion chose well."

Lance could only nod. He didn't know how to reply to a comment like that.

He heard the doors of the medical room open and in the corner of his vision he saw something floating in.

He flinched his Bayard appearing shifting into a blaster as he pointed it at the drone.

"Whoa! Wait! Don't shoot it!" Pidge's voice hollered.

Lance hesitated, blaster still trained on the drone but he didn't fire.

"I reprogrammed it." Pidge explained placing her hand on his arm. "I thought it would be useful for stealth missions when I need to be able to see."

"Very good Pidge." Allura said firmly but Lance could tell she wasn't so sure herself.

"Please Lance." Pidge said quietly and slowly Lance lowered his Bayard. "Thank you."

"So you're gonna keep it like a pet?" Lance asked slowly as his Bayard vanished. "What are you going to call it? Rover or something?"

"Rover sounds good, I didn't think of naming it." Pidge admitted as she tapped away on her bracer. "Here Rover."

The drone moved towards her hovering at her side.

"I'm never gonna get used to that." Lance admitted shaking his head.

"Anyway, has Allura mentioned the party? Are we doing this for real?" Pidge asked eyes gleaming.

"Possibly, I need to all to Shiro about it." Allura smiled. "But most likely."

"Awesome." Pidge grinned.

"I didn't think you would be a party girl." Lance admitted with a small smile.

"Oh I'm not, I just love setting up the security." Pidge admitted. "I love making it virtually impossible for anything to infiltrate."

"Number 5 did you get any information off of the drone-, sorry Rover?"

"I got a bit, most of it I need to decode." Pidge said looking towards Coran. "And I thought I was number 4."

"Yes but Lance here is taller then you."

"Hey you should look up the rebels." Lance smiled poking Rover. "There was an Olkarian like you who could hack Galran sentries on the fly."


"Yeah, he was part of the team that destroyed a Galran outpost on Naxzela before the Galra came back." Lance explained with a shrug.

"Wow, I'll find out about him." Pidge decided already heading to the door. "Thanks Lance."

"No problem."

"Lance perhaps you could accompany me, I know where Shiro is and there is someone with him would like to meet you personally."

Lance nodded. "Sure. If Coran gives me the all clear."

"You can go my boy." Coran smiled patting his arm.

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