80: Homeward

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Hunk shared a worried glance with Pidge who frowned in Lance's direction.

The bridge was silent, no one dared say a word.

Keith had explained when he had arrived on the bridge that they would be going to Earth to release it from Galran command.

Lance had been quiet then.

Now he was staring at the swirling blue and white of the wormhole whilst drumming his fingers on the arm of his chair impatiently.

He looked really anxious and none of them liked it.

"So Lance," Shiro started attempting to break the silence, "is there anything we need to know about Earth?"

Lance's eyes shifted slightly as his drumming stopped. "Um... I don't really..." He sighed long and heavy as he dragged his hand down his face. "I don't know."

"If the Galra have control of it then they will likely be in the space around it." Krolia reminded folding her arms behind her back. "We should be careful on entry."

"You said there's a war there." Lance mumbled eyes closed. "Who's winning?"

"I doubt you would like the answer." Krolia frowned.

"Not humans then." Lance nodded as he stood up. "Here's the thing, I was like 8 when I was taken. I'm going in blind, same as you guys."

"That's okay Lance." Hunk offered a brief smile. "We're with you."

"We're coming up on Kerberos now." Coran informed. "It's a short distance from Earth."

"If the Galra are occupying the space around Earth, how are we going to slip through?" Pidge asked looking to Keith.

"Can the green lion's cloaking get us through?"

"Not likely, if they have lots of ships there will be a lot of interference."

"What about my ship?" Krolia offered. "According to Galran info I still work under commander Janka."

"That might just be our ticket in." Keith nodded before he glanced towards Lance. "Where would the humans likely have their base?"

"America, Russia." Lance shrugged. "China maybe,  they could even use Australia if they so desired."

"Which place is most probable?" Allura asked as a hologram of Earth appeared.

"America, they seem to love aliens and attract the most there." Lance tapped the hologram where a large land mass was located. "We'll start there."

"Good, we have a route there and a place to land. How are we going to communicate with them?" Hunk asked, glancing around the group.

All eyes returned to Lance.

"What?" He asked looking perplexed.

"How do we get in contact with the humans?"

"I'm receiving a transmission." Coran informed as the castle finally came to a stop.

"This is Planet Earth." A heavy American voice stated through the speakers. "We will defend our planet at all costs, retreat while you still can. Galran's are not welcome."

"Well that doesn't really help."

"Actually it does." Lance grinned. "He's American, you can tell by the accent. So their base must be in America."

"How are we going to talk to them?"

Lance stared at the screen for a long moment. "Let me worry about that, let's just get down there."

The trip towards Earth was tense. Krolia's ship was small so they all had to cram into the space.

They had left the castle and the lions behind but Coran had bought a control pad with him. If necessary he could move the castle to their location or release the lions.

The ships com crackled.

"This is a Galran siege, state your business." A Galran demanded over the coms.

Krolia tapped the controls. "My name is Krolia, I work under commander Janka, I have been sent by high command to scout out the land. Allow me through your blockade."

There was silence for a moment.


Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"At least we won't get shot down by the Galra." Pidge commented making a smile grow on Lance's face.

The next few moments again returned to silence before the com pinged to life again.

"This is the MFE pilot James Griffin. Leave this air space, Galran, or been destroyed."

What was an MFE?

Lance jumped forwards pressing his hand to the com. "James huh? That's a cool name. Anyway I wouldn't advise shooting this ship down."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm not Galran, and I'm bringing something to aid your fight."

"Many have already tried to offer their assistance but have proven to be false. What makes you different?"

"I'm a paladin of Voltron." Lance smirked. "And we're here to save your sorry butts, so stop being so defensive and let us in."

There was a long pause of silence.

"Land immediately."

Lance glanced to Krolia who nodded to him and brought their ship in to land.

"Don't show your Bayard's and don't make any sudden moves." Lance instructed as he moved towards the lowering ramp. "Let me do the talking as much as possible and keep your helmets on."

Stepping out into the summer heat of central America was sweltering, but the armour prevented most of the heat from impacting their bodies.

The MFE ship landed not too far away. Both the pilot and a guard stepped out and approached.

They were armed and looked ready for a fight.

A sound above him drew Lance's attention and he quickly spotted another ship watching them from a distance.

"You're not very trusting are you." Lance noted as he raised his hands in a show of surrender.

"That's what happens when your home is invaded." The pilot, James, growled. "State your business."

"We're here to help." Lance explained.

"And what help could you possibly be?" The guard next to him demanded. He sounded nervous.

"We're team Voltron."

"What the hell is Voltron?"

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