64: Lashes

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Lotor was, to both paladins surprise, very nice. Polite even.

Nothing like his father.

Absolutely nothing like him.

So far anyway.

Lotor's ship was making preparations to make the jump to the castles location.

He explained that they would be allowed time to contact their team before they would get too close so as not to scare the other paladins away.

Lance was sure that they wouldn't scare the others. The paladins didn't seem to be scared of anything.

Not really.

He was more worried about gaining another enemy in Lotor.

The screen before them then glitched, the coordinates and wormhole schematics all disappearing.

"Axca?" Lotor frowned. "What is happening?"

"We have an incoming transmission." Axca explained. "Commander Lash."

Lance immediately stiffened eyes going wide before he ducked his head hiding slightly behind Keith.

Keith glanced back at him his eyebrows pulled down low.

"You okay?" Keith asked.

Commander Lash.

Lance knew her.

Knew her too well.

"No." He mumbled.

The screen loaded and the Galran herself was glaring at them.

"Prince Lotor." She growled. "You have strayed into Galran space turn around and go back or be prepared to be fired upon."

Lotor growled softly under his breath.

His generals were quickly moving to their stations their own glares beginning to show.

"Commander Lash, demoted to patrol duty. How pitiful." Lotor said with a forced smile. "Oh how far you have fallen."

"Don't try and talk yourself out of this one, I have-" she paused and Lance knew, by the way Keith's shoulders rose, that they were in trouble, big trouble. "You have Paladins on board."

"So what if I do?" Lotor growled. "They are of no concern to you."

"You will hand them over to me immediately." Lash demanded. "Or face the consequences."

"Ezor." Lotor said lifting his hand. "Go."

The ship lurched and Lance only stayed upright because Keith caught his arm.

They raced past the commanders ship and a sharp grin settled on Lotor's face.

"Zethrid hit them with everything we've got, Axca get ready to wormhole us away." Lotor decided before glancing to the paladins. "We will come out near the castle so be ready."

"What is the plan?!" Lance shouted over the noise.

"To get you away from her." Lotor explained. "I'm sure you know how bad she can be."

"Yes. No." Lance and Keith said at the same time.

"You've met her?" Keith frowned. "Is there anyone you don't know?"

"Yeah, she was there the day I lost my leg." Lance nodded. "And the day I escaped from Thayserix."

"Wait, you-" Lotor started when a blast from the ion cannon hit the ship.

All the lights went dead.

"We really should get that fixed." Ezor huffed like this wasn't a life and death situation with their lives hanging in the balance as it was right now.

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