21: Hanging in the balance

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Dreams are a funny thing.

They take pieces of memories and scatter them, twisting the past making it difficult to remember exactly what happened and how, who was there and why.

This was the case for Lance.

His head was reeling as the past, the present and possibly the future was echoing all around him.

He just wanted it to stop.

But he couldn't move, he felt like he couldn't breathe.

His lungs crushed under something weighted. He just wanted it all to stop.


The voices of those he lost echoed around his head.

You're really something kid.

Something tells me you're made for more than this.


Do me a favour, prove me right.

He hated it, the expectation, the pain the regret. Why was he so weak?


Hunk didn't know how much time they had left so he paid his respects to those helping him before communicating with the Balmera itself.

"I found one." He explained glancing to Coran. "It's deep, I don't know how well guarded but I know that we can get it."

"Alright, I'll go scope it out." Coran smiled. "See if you can get the pod ready to launch."

Hunk nodded heading back towards their ship with the hopes that Lance would hold out just a little longer.

"So you're a paladin, I thought they were all dead." Shay said softly as she watched him with big yellow eyes.

"We were gone for a while." Hunk admitted quietly. "We didn't mean to be gone for so long, its just that... We lost and... And Alfor realised we couldn't make it."

"And what exactly are you doing now?" Shay asked.

"We're going to make it right. Zarkon and Haggar have had control for far too long now." Hunk said firmly. "We're going to stop them and make this all right."

"I hope you can, because the universe needs it."

Hunk looked up at her with a slight frown. "How much of the universe have you seen? Cause I like to hear what others have to say about it."

"Me?" She asked eyes widening. "I've never been above the lower levels."

"What?" Hunk asked quietly his stomach dropping. "You've never been to the surface?"

"No." Shay whispered curling in on herself. "The galra have been here for a long time, before I was born."

Hunk shook his head. "That's awful."

"You've been above ground, maybe you can tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"What is the sunrise like?"

Hunk blinked at her. "The sunrise?"

"Yes, I've always seen the light appear beyond the ridge, but I've never seen it." Shay admitted softly.

Hunk shook his head. It hurt him to know that there were some who had never seen a sunrise, some who were burdened so heavily by the galra that they couldn't do the things they wanted to on their own planet.

"The sun's warm, it's beautiful." Hunk admitted. "It's like hope rising from the earth and... Yeah, it's inspiring."

Shay made a wistful sound. "I wish I could see it."

"I tell you what, once I've saved my friends I'll bring them back to save you, and your people." Hunk decided firmly."and then I'll show you a sunrise."

"I hope you are able to keep your word." Shay admitted with a gentle nod.


Shiro hated this, no communication with his team, Lance's condition continually worsening and Sendak at the helm of the castle getting ready for it to launch.

Things couldn't be worse right now.

He heard the castles system load as it amde a call, there was only one person Sendak would be calling right now.


The voice alone made memories flash up in Shiro's mind.


"My emperor, I have acquired the Altean castle along with the 5 lions of Voltron."

"Excellent work Sendak."

"I also have two paladins for you." Sendak smirked gesturing back to them.

Shiro grit his teeth almost growling at them both.

"Takashi, it has been a long time." Zarkon smirked. "And who is that?"

"A new paladin, quite pathetic really." Sendak admitted as Hepta lifting Lance's head by his hair.

"Hey!" Shiro snapped watching them let him go.

Lance let out a small sound of pain but he didn't stirr.

"You were always so protective."  Zarkon said quietly. "No wonder you were easy to destroy."

"Voltron will never be distroyed." Shiro grit out. "And you won't be able to win this time."

"I already have, bring the castle to me Sendak, I will deal with Takashi myself." Zarkon decided
"Vrepid sa."

"Vrepid sa." Sendak nodded, the communication ended and Sendak turned towards them. "Launch the castle."


"Launch the castle."

Pidge smirked to herself.

She had rewired most of the controls, there was no way they would be able to take off, not right now.

he just wished she could stop them from blocking her signals, she needed to calm Hunk and Coran, Keith and Allura. They all had a right to know what was happening and they all should be helping.

A soft squeak made her jump, her eyes instantly falling to the mice that scurried along the cables just next to her.

She frowned at them. The castle had been in sleep mode, so nothing outside of the pods could have survived that long. So where were these mice going.

Deciding to follow had actually been a good idea, they led her to the lower levels where an old communications tab was.

It had several notes about cleaning supplies but otherwise it seemed to work well.

It was on a different frequency to her gear so maybe she could reach the others?

"Oh Coran I love you some days." She whispered to herself. "I just hope Keith and Allura are within range."

She managed to get it all wired up before flicking it on. "Keith, Allura? Can you guys hear me?"

"Pidge!" Keith said sharply sounding just as stressed as usual.

"Good it works." Pidge replied dryly. "We've got trouble, Sendak wants to launch the whole castle and take the lions to Zarkon."

"Well we're not going to let that happen." Allura responded. "We need you to lower the particle barrier."

"Yeah, slight problem." Pidge frowned. "That's in the main control room."

"Then be sneaky Pidge." Keith growled. "We need to be inside."

"Alright." Pidge snapped back. "I'll think of something."

"Good, if the mice can be of any assistance then please feel free to tell me." Allura encouraged. "I have a connection with them."

"You? The one who screams everytime a mouse is in the same room?"

"That's what I said."

"I am not afraid of mice."

"Only rats then?" Pidge asked hearing Keith's snort. "Anyway. Get ready I'm going in."

"Be careful Pidge."

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