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"Good morning girl's."

I walked into the meeting room. Aurora and Anna followed behind me. I was the leader of this group of women, Aurora turned down the offer for 50/50 with me. She said it would take too much time away from Nico. Which I respected, because their love is beautiful. Aurora still wanted to be in the mafia, she wanted to do what she's doing now. I sat at the head of the table with Aurora and Anna next to me. There were 10 other tranies at the table.

"You are all here because you have been chosen to come back to Italy with us. You will be taken out of your groups and become your own. Next Saturday, a week from today. You will continue training here till then. I will let you know the day you are leaving tomorrow." I said.

*Knock knock* We all turned our heads to see Enzo walking in.

"Hello ladies."

All the women in the room started drooling over Enzo. I laughed in the back of my head. Knowing I'm the one he loves and the one he fucks. Sucks to suck, but I suck him off.

"Everyone, this is Enzo Riva. As you know he's the leader here."

  He just leaned against the door.
"Continue." Enzo said.

"Back to what I was saying ladies. We will buy you your plane tickets and you will be flying first class. Three black SUV'S will be waiting for you as soon as you leave the plane. They will bring you to the base where you will be living for quite some time. Since you are now hired, everyone will have their own rooms and they will be nicer than this dust pit. Remember you will still be looked down upon especially because you are women. They are all hot headed Italians men. Unlucky for them you are my girls, they'll be scared to bully you. But if they do, you will report that to me and I will take care of it."  I said.

Enzo giggled when I said hot headed Italians because that's what I call him. With that I was done with my speech.

"Mr. Riva, do you have anything you want to say?" I asked him.

"You've covered everything but there will be no training tonight. I also have a note from Mr. Gallo to you ladies. He just let me know five minutes ago that once you are trained enough you will possibly leave the base in Italy." Enzo looked over at me.

"But remember if you harass or bully the girls that did not make the cut you will be punished. This concludes this meeting, you may now leave." I said.

Everyone shuffled out of the room besides Enzo and I.
They all drooled over Enzos..... Hello me too!!

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