Getting Ready

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*Er Er Er* I rolled around to see Aurora wrapped in a towel putting a pillow over her head. She through that pillow across at me before I got up.

"Turn it off Juls." She whined.

"A we're going to be late."

"Oh shit." Aurora popped up from the couch. She opened up my room door and walked out with just her towel on.

"Aurora, your clothes." I yelled.

"No time." She ran down the hallway.

She only was a couple doors over so she didn't care. I didn't have to do self protection fighting today. That started tomorrow because they wouldn't have their fighting material till tomorrow. Which sucked cause now I have to get all dressed up. I'll have the rest of the day off so that was a plus. I wore my hair up in a high ponytail and a white v neck blouse. I wore tight black slacks with white pointed toe heels. I put on some makeup because I didn't want to look dead from the late night drinking. I grabbed my black Louis Vuttion tote with my purse in it that matched. I grabbed my sunglasses and put them on.

"Good morning." Aurora slugged over to be.

"Morning. Did'y Nico ever text you back?"

"Just a 'good morning', but that was all."

"No I love you or anything?"

"Nope." she said popped the p.

"Ew what's a d bag."

"Tell me about it."

"Why do you look and sound like death?" Anna asked,

"We went through a bottle of champagne last night." Aurora replied.

"What no invite?"

"You were sleeping and we were drinking to forget our boyfriend troubles. Please don't talk too loud." I told Anna.

The thing is she was talking normally, but my head hurt so much everything sounded loud.

"We were just bitching about Nico and Enzo's bullshit. You wouldn't want to have heard it." Aurora told her.

We got into the car and got out at the base. Aurora went to the gym and Anna went to the shoot range. I was in the meeting room, going through my things. Making sure everything was ready to go when the group of girls came in. My phone began to ring, and Enzo's contact popped onto my screen.

"Ugh really?" I whispered to myself.

"Hey honey what's up?" I said, he could tell I was wiped out.

"Why do you sound like that? Are you okay?"

"Yes Enzo, I am fine. Aurora and I got tipsy last night, I have a headache. I took some ibuprofen and I'm drinking lots of water, I'll be fine." 

"You dra-" I cut him off.

"Yes I did. Now I have to go."

"Juls you-" I cut him off again. Between this headache I couldn't let Enzo give me another.

"Enzo, I have to go, I'm working. I'll call you back when I get back to the hotel room. Bye I love you."

"Okay baby. Love you." I hung up before he said too.

I ended up getting ready for fighting today since I finished everything early.

Let me tell you, this business is hard, dangerous and crazy. But I would rather work here than a stupid chain restaurant.
Don't you hate guys sometimes? That's why I stay single. Single and don't want to mingle:)

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