What's Your Problem?

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Juls POV
Two days had passed since I caught Nico and that slut. I tried to stay away from Aurora as much as possible. But we were best friends and she could tell something was up.

"Thank you ladies. Please continue keeping up us to date. You may now leave." I said to the group of girls at the New York base.

Everyone left, leaving Aurora and I in the room.

"Why have you been ignoring me and being distant?" "

"I haven't done any of those things." I tried to walk away but she got in front of me and closed the meeting room door.

"What's your problem, Juls?"

Think Juls think.

"Oh yeah sorry, Enzo and I have been fighting here and there. I've been kind of down lately."

Which wasn't a complete lie, we've been fighting in bed if you know what I mean.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know that."

"It's all good. How are you and Nico?"

"On the rocks. He comes home late and sometimes drunk."

"What do you think is going on?"

"Juls, he's cheating on me. I know it."

"Did he tell you that?"

"No, but I found panties that weren't mine in his car. I know they're not yours cause they're skanky and not your style. He comes home drunk stumbling everywhere. I have to take of him like I'm his mom. It's getting so tiring."

"I'm sorry A, that must sucks. Have you talked to him about it?"

"No, I will soon."

"Okay if anything happens let me know."

The day went by, I walked up to Aurora's office door. I heard yelling so I pushed my ear against the door.

"YOU WHAT?" Aurora screamed.

Ut oh, I thought to myself. Nico didn't respond.

"HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON?" "A couple of months."


"I'm sorry baby, please forgi-"

"Do NOT call me baby. You're disgusting Nico, what are you a teenager?"

But Au-"

"Get out of my office, get out of this building and get out of my life!"

Once she said that I ran to my office door. Just the room over from hers. Nico walked out of the room, I flipped him off as he walked away. I walked into her office and knocked on the door.

"Nico, go away." Aurora yelled.

"It's just me." There was silence for a minute.

"Okay come in." She was slunked in her chair.

"Oh Aurora, did he tell you?"

"You knew?" She said sobbing. Shit

"Try catching him in the act."


"He snuck her into Enzo's house and I caught them before Enzo came home."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"It wasn't my story to tell. He needed to stand up and be a man. Trust me if he wasn't going to tell you by the end of the week I would have. And I would have ruined his life."

"You are too good of a friend. I hate that man."

Snot was covering both of our T-Shirts because I was holding her close while rubbing her back.

"He's not a man. Men do not act that way. He's a boy. If it makes you feel any better I kicked the girl's ass he was sleeping with."

"How bad." She sniffled. I handed her a tissue.

"Almost to unconsciousness and I did kick Nico in the nuts pretty hard."

"That helps a little bit."

"The woman, she knew about you." Aurora didn't say anything, she started sobbing again. Shit shouldn't have said that.
Are you surprised by Aurora's reaction?

She definitely has the Gallo anger but NOT as much as Juliet does.

Do you like how protective Juliet is over Aurora?

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