The Meeting

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We are at the base for this meeting. My dad walked into the room.

"Is everyone here?" He asked.

"Yes sir." Enzo replied.

"Even your men."

"Yes, they are here."

"Good."Let's get down to business ." My dad sat down at the head of the table.

"The Russians have not yet taken anyone of our alliance down yet. But they have gained their own." He stated.

"Who are they Papa?" I asked.

"We suspect it's the Polish but we are not 100% sure yet." My dad said 

"It could be that, but what if they have an insider?" I asked again.

"Where would they be and who would it be?" Enzo replied.

" It might be one person or multiple people. I might be in one of our allies or multiple. Some mafia's might not know if the person/people are in there mafia yet or at all."

My dad held his pen up to his mouth. He brought it down and started writing something on a piece of paper.

"Why? Could it be the Polish?" Anna asked.

"They have yet to get back to us. It's been over a year, even before Juliet was here." Nico said.

"What if they're just afraid because we are so big." Uncle Paul added.

We continued to talk about the possibility. But the top was Nico's and my theory. I'm really proud that my theories were getting more correct or reasonable over the months. That's why my dad started giving me more missions and inviting me to big meetings. I know Enzo had a big part in that.

"If you are not Enzo, Juliet, Nico,
Aurora or Anna you need to leave now."

With that everyone left besides the five of us.

"They will be a big mission but a very serious one." My dad said.

"Okay what will it be?" Aurora asked

"All of you need to go back to New York for 3 months. We are having a big shipment of weapons going over there and you all need to be there. The girls will be training some new trainees of Enzo's. Juliet and Aurora will be leading. Enzo has enough men at the moment, but there needs to be more women. Enzo and Nico will be handling the business side. You will all check in with each other once a week, whether it's face to face or calls. You need to make sure everyone is on the same page. Enzo will report back to me, I also need to know what's going on. You are chosen because of your skills. The girls know how to work their way around men and how to lower the men's guards. How to fight them and keep men on their toes. Men in this business think they are smarter and stronger because you are women. In actuality a lot of women are smarter and or stronger than those men. Enzo and Nico have been doing business with me for a long time. That's why they trust you. You all work well together, all five of you are better than some veterans out there. I believe in all of you. You will leave in two days. Pack what you need and get ready for this mission. If you think you can't do this, say so now." My dad said.

No one said anything.

"Good. That's what I like to hear. We are trying to keep this on the down low. Try to keep it that way and if you cannot you will be sent back. And will take a break for missions. Does that sound good?" My dad asked again.

We all said yes.

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