ACE -- December 21st

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      I never understood how Jason could even get a girl's number.  Complete dumbass.  Having Blue flip him and seeing that Trent had recorded it made my wrecked morning just a tad bit better.

      I hit power on the coffee maker and motioned for Trenton to set down.  Beau pointed to the stairs and nodded letting me know that he was going to catch a shower real fast.  I winked back.  What was going on here?

      "What are you guys doing here anyway?  Its only 8."  I went to grabbing breakfast food out of the fridge, trying to not sound annoyed.  I was failing.

      Jason had got off the floor and was walking over to the cup cabinet when Trent stuck his foot out and tripped him.  This is what I missed the most.  My brothers just giving each other shit 24/7.  "It's Christmas tree day!"

      "Yes Jason Alexander.  I know what day it is.  But I told you, its 8am.  Tree lot doesn't open till at least noon."  He should know.  This wasn't by far his first Christmas tree day.

      Trenton had his hands folded under his chin making his biceps bulge.  The muscles were what definitely drew girls to him--all the guys in the circle actually.  That and his devilish, boyish Ellington grin and charm. 

      Hunter was the calm, collect in charge brother.  Safety net.  Trenton was the super sweet brother.  He listened and gave advice and spoiled which ever girl he had set his mind on.  The lover.  Kodie was the girl for him the last three years.  She knew it and liked him right back but loved tormenting him more.  And Jason?  Jason was 24 and didn't take anything serious enough, beside deployments, to have a girlfriend.

      "Well ya know...I figured that we could go get breakfast...and...maybe have some of the girls come?  Spend the day decorating.  Go to The Jump tonight."  Jason was nervous.

      Trenton winked at me.  There was a certain girl Jason wanted to invite.  "Oh?  Well seems like you have a plan.  Do tell brother...which girls do you want me to have come?"

      Beau came back downstairs and planted himself right behind me.  He put his hand right under my shirt and slid it slowly to the front of my body to rest on my hip while Trenton whisper yelled, "Jase likes a girl!"  And the blush that instantly took over our brother's face had us laughing yet again.

      "Ok.  So breakfast in the Village.  And...the girls Jase?   Who am I asking?"   I raised an eyebrow.

      "Bristol obviously."  I nodded.  Obviously.  She went wherever I went.  And clearly there was something with Hunter that I needed to know more about.  Which...Hunter was missing from this early morning powwow.  "And Kodie, for Trent.  Addi Rose...maybe Lo?  If she can?"  I caught which girl Jason really wanted to join us.  He tried with the other three to hide her, but I caught it.

      "Well if you have two of the OG then you have to ask Jolene."  Beau sat a mug of hot chocolate in front of me, making a very good point

      "Ok...let me text Kodes, Jo and Addison Rose..."  I drug out her name in an annoyingly mimicking tone and Trenton started to rub his hands together, finally getting all the ammo he needed.  He didn't have the name of the crush girl but knew there was one.  I caught it because nobody called Addison 'Addi Rose' or both of her names together.  She was a cute little pixie like girl, had a bookstore in the Village.  If my brother could stop being such an immature dumbass, player of sorts...they would be an adorable couple,  she could possibly even smarten him up some. 

      "I don't know about Lauren but I'll extend the invite."  I snapped my fingers in front of Trent's face to get his attention before he went off exploiting Jase.  "Hey.  Where's H?"

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