ACE -- December 27th

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I'd seen them go back to the bar. I wasn't stupid...I knew exactly what Jolene was letting the guys in on. The system that Eli had created to keep us girls feeling safe inside his world. Even from my spot on the second floor I could see the rage rolling off Beau and Hunter in waves.

"Hey Trent."

My brother turned around. "Yeah Little Ell."

"When Beau comes back up here just let him know I went to the bathroom?"

He cocked his head, trying to read me. "Yeah...okay. You good?" He was eyeing me suspiciously because he knew whatever answer I gave him was going to be a lie.

"I'll be fine." That was the best I could give him without fully lying straight to his face.

"Want me to go with?"

I shook my head, I didn't need a babysitter. "No. I'm good. Just tell him I'll be right back." I turned away from him and went on my way to the bathroom. I knew he was going to watch me from overhead. I loved growing up with four brothers, Beau, Casey and Chris...literally my own personal militia. But somedays they were overbearing and sucked all the air out of my system. Right now was becoming one of those times.

I was drying my hands off and walking toward the open club again when my face hit the wall. Both of my hands were restrained and pulled behind my back making me flinch just a little.

"It doesn't feel all the good does it baby?" The guy from the bar. His voice was so close to my ear. I could smell the alcohol like he had been plunged into a dunk tank full of beer. Why hadn't somebody cut him off yet? Why hadn't Chad cut him off yet?

I struggled a little, already knowing it was a losing battle. He put his free hand on my side and pushed his body against my back. My brain was racing on how to get him off me. "What? Was it all just empty threats earlier?" He sneered...I wanted to punch him in the face, knocking off the disgusting smirk I knew he had on without looking at him. His voice was enough to stick in my head I didn't need to see his sleezy mug too.

I wiggled again. It got me nowhere. "Let. Go." I ground out between my clenched jaws.

"Hmm?" He was running his hand up my side now, getting dangerously close to my chest. I panicked. "Did you say something darling?"

"I believe she told you to get your damn hands off of her." I closed my eyes and stopped panicking at the sound of his voice. I don't know if I screamed at some point or if he was walking back from the bar with Hunter and saw us. I didn't know if Trenton told him where I was and he just happened to show up at just the right time. But that was it. Beau had showed up at just the right time.

I felt the sleeze's hold on my hands drop and turned around at just the right second to see Beau putting him in a sleeper hold. If I thought he was scary up in the VIP room 30 minutes ago...I was wrong. This Beau that stood in front of me was some guy I barely recognized. "I knew she gave you a warning earlier that touching her again would end bad. Did she not?" His voice was so deep and dead it sent chills over my body.

The guy from the bar, wisely enough, didn't fight again the giant who was slowly steeling the oxygen off from his brain. I barely had time to process what happened next.

It all took place in a matter of three seconds. The flash of silver. The quick intake of breath and pain flashing thru Beau's eyes. The bar sleeze crumbling to the ground one instant before Beau followed suit. And then...blood.

"Oh god. Please. Please no." I dropped to my knees and immediately pressed my hands into Beau's side. The douche canoe had a switch blade and before he passed out, had jammed it into Beau's ribs and tried to drag it down. "BEAU!!! Please!!! PLEASE PLease Please!!" I was shaking. "God don't do this!" Beau's eyes locked on mine for an instant then his body went limp and down came my tears. "Beau please....PLEASE DON'T!! Don't do this!! Don't leave! HUNTER!!! Oh god. I'm sorry Beau. I'm sorry!" More tears. More blood flowing thru my fingers. "HUNTER!!!" I was screaming so loud I knew everybody could hear me over the throbbing base.

A sob got stuck in my throat. "HUNTER!!! HUNTER!!!!" I was vaguely aware of somebody taking my hands...somebody else talking. I was still screaming. "HUNTER!! SAVE HIM!!! Beau!! Please please please." That's all I could say. I felt somebody's arms around my waist, pulling me away. I was struggling to get back to Beau.

I heard sirens in the distance. There were lights flashing. People rushing and crowding. It was all a blur. I felt somebody still pulling me back, further away. Why was nobody stopping the bleeding? I thrashed against whoever had a grid iron grip on me. "LET ME GO!! I have to save him!! BEAU!!!!"

"Shh... Shh.... Aspen. Stop thrashing." It was Dallas. "Let the medics get to him. Shh...." I was sobbing and still trying to break free. Dallas just held on tighter. "Aspen. You have to stop. Just stop thrashing or they won't let you in the ambulance. Do you hear me? You have to stop okay? Shh..."

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