BRB -- January 2nd

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We'd made today an extreme lazy day. Sometime after Bristol and Trenton left we came back upstairs to her bed. We were watching some movie but I had pulled her on top of me and started asking questions.

I laid there on my back with one arm under my head. Aspen licked her lips when my muscles bulged. She had graciously took my shirt when I flung it off before the movie and traded it for her clothes over her tiny body. The simple act had me with a semi hardon picturing waking up and finding her in the kitchen or sipping hot chocolate on the deck or whatever...just seeing her in my shirt every day of our future together and I hadn't even asked her to spend her future with me yet. I was going to be a wreck tomorrow.

She was being overly cautious to not hit my stitches. I had my other hand running up and down her exposed thigh lazily. She was animatedly telling me about the plans her Bristol had for their dessert business in the New Year. Little did she know those plans were about to be even more grand with hopefully a second shop opening. I was silently glad she had this to do while I was gone. Hoping it would be easier this time around and praying it would all transfer to Virginia...or half and half.

"Ugh." She put her tiny hands on my chest and pushed up from my waist. She flopped over on her back onto her bed. "I need to shower today." Blue jumped and nuzzled his way under her arm. She kissed his head, huffed and crawled off the bed.

I instantly wanted to pull her back and tell her she smelled perfect. "Any chance if I ask you to leave the door open you would?" Watching her walk across the room to her master bath in my shirt had me all sorts of ways. She froze.

Yes, Aspen was a virgin. I knew that. It didn't matter to me. She had a killer body and knew how to work a bikini and those damn shortie shorts. I was a constant state of turned on this last week, but I knew what she was thinking at the moment. She was the one out of all the girls that needed at least two hours of pep talks and hyping up before they went anywhere. She hated how she looked and right now she was trying to figure out my play.

"I just want to look Aspen. I want to see what no other guy on this earth is ever gonna see. You can close it tho if that was creepy and you'd feel better." I was wishing on every star that she wouldn't. That even if she whole heartedly believed she was a troll (her words once, not mine) that she felt comfortable enough with me and trusted me to leave the door open.

I could see her take in the deepest of deep breaths...contemplating. Over thinking. She walked in the bathroom a little bit further and pushed the door all the way open with her little foot. I let out all the breath that I didn't know I was holding. I really didn't think she'd do it.

She turned the water on and closed the glass door. Slowly took off my shirt...still over thinking and trying to not hide in her little self conscious bubble. Even with her back toward me, I knew her. She dropped the shirt on the ground and I trailed my eyes down her body. Taking in all the curves I always knew she had but damn. Damn. I stopped breathing when I saw the lace. Dropping my arm from behind my head to on top of my face, I smiled...damn her hard. Of course she had to be wearing lace. And black lace at that. I scratched behind Blue's ear. "Your mom is a sexy goddess you know that boy?"

I saw her rinse her hair under the water. "Stop telling my dog lies Brighton!"

That did it. It looked like I was going to have to spend every day of forever showing and telling her just how sexy and goddess like she really was. Might as well start today.

I got off her bed and grabbed the cling wrap that was on her desk. No matter they'd been healing and I could feel the pull of my skin, Aspen had been insisting that I wear it over the stitches in the shower. Adamantly. I wrapped it around my ribs tight and tied it off before I slipped in the bathroom and dropped my shorts. I slid the door open and stepped right in. God she was beautiful. I couldn't help it. In a trance I ran my finger over her shoulder, tracing the chain of somebody's dog tag. She froze. Like froze froze.

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