BRB -- January 4th

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      "Get her to stop bleeding." Words I never thought I'd have to force out of my mouth.

      All I could see was red. My entire body was boiling. This motherfucker standing in front of me had made my girl bleed. Physically bleed. That didn't set well with me at all.

      Aspen had told me she was done. Finally giving me the go ahead to teach Walker a lesson. I stood there with my brothers at my back, trying to calm down my breathing. Slow my heart rate just like in the field before I pull the trigger.

      "Let me ask you a question many times does a girl have to tell you to stop before you actually stop?" My voice was deadly calm...

      Clay smirked and shook his head. This asshole actually thought it was somewhat funny. I could hear Hunter take in a deep breath, trying to calm himself too. Aspen was the love of my life but she was his flesh and blood little sister.

      "How many times Walker? How many fucking times did she tell you to get off of her tonight? It's not a hard fucking question." I took a few steps forward so I was towering over him. I had him in weight and muscles and height. It wouldn't take me but all of three punches to knock him out cold. "Maybe you've just taken more hits than Tate out there on the field...I know it can't be a football thing because he damn well knows how to respect a woman's wishes. Or maybe his momma just raised him right. Did you count how many times tonight Aspen yanked herself away from you? Have you counted how many times over the last three years? She doesn't want you."

      "She doesn't know any better because all she's ever known is the fucked up fairy tale you've spun for her." Still smirking.

      "I'M RIGHT HERE YOU ASSHOLE!! I CAN HEAR YOU!!" I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from smirking. That's my girl ACE.

      "Listen if you don't stop smiling..." I had Clay up against the railing, the collar of his shirt bunched up in my fists... He didn't stop smiling. If he was scared he didn't show it. Mistake.

      "What are you going to do? Tip me over the balcony? You have two cops in this group." He tipped his chin and nodded in the direction I assumed Reagan and Weston were behind me.

      In an instant Chris was next to Clay, leaning real close to his ear. "We're off duty tonight fucktard."


sorry guys...i didn't realize that i needed a filler chapter until i found a huge gap in my notebook lol... so this one might be shit.

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