ACE -- December 27th

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"....Beau you have to wake up!! Why is he not waking up?!?!?!" I was frantic. They shouldn't have let me come with him.

"He's still breathing, just passed out. You have to sit back. Let us work."

I had a death grip on Beau's hand. God was going to take him from me too. "Please." Cries got stuck in my throat. "God please. Just take me. If you take him you have to take me too. Please."

The driver was hollering something about pulling in and getting Beau ready. There was something over the radio about drs being ready.

The ambulance stopped. The doors flew open. People descended on him. Still barking out orders and stats. I fell to the pavement. Somebody pulled me to them. I sobbed.

"This can't be happening. God can't take him. I just got him. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!?!"

"Shh. Aspen it's okay. I've got you. Shh." Hunter. How the hell did he get here so fast? He smoothed down my hair, holding my head while I screamed and sobbed and thrashed against him. "Shh...."

I beat my fists into his chest. I screamed some more. "Come back to me!! Please please come back to me!! Don't do this!!!" Hunter rocked me. I cried till I ran out of tears, and then I cried some more.


My eyes flew open and I almost fell out of the chair. "Hey. Hey." Trenton was in front of me in a heartbeat holding me upright. "Hey. Aspen. You're okay. Look at me."

"Where is he?! What's going on?!" I didn't know how long it had been. Damnit. Why did they let me sleep?

"Shh... You have to calm down Aspen. Okay? you have to calm down." Trenton was pleading with me.

Hunter pushed him a little making him move, so he could squat in front of me. "Hey. Little Ell. We're all here. Look at me." I sniffed and looked at him blurred thru another round of tears in my eyes. "We're all here. We can't tell you anything if you're going to be hysterical. Okay?"

I swallowed and nodded. I blinked and swiped at my eyes to get the tears to stop. Looking around I saw Hunter wasn't lying. Mom and Dad, RosaMomma, Jason, Bristol, Wyatt, Dallas...everybody was here. Chris turned from his partner, Weston, and slowly made his way over to Hunter and me. He did not look happy.

"Hey little sis." He was looking at me with those 'official' eyes and I knew he was in police mode.

I ignored him and focused back on Hunter. "Where is he H?"

"Aspen...." Chris tried again.

I ignore him again. "Tell me where he is." I was shooting daggers at my oldest brother.

"You have to talk to him Carls..."

"I don't want to talk to him. I want somebody to fucking tell me where the hell Beau is."

Hunter squeezed his eyes shut. He was trying to control his anger. I was letting mine flow freely. He just picked me up out of the chair and started walking around the corner so I was away from everyone. Chris followed.

"Damnit Hunter Dane. Tell me what the hell is happening!" I was starting to shake...from fear or anger I didn't know.

"Little Sis." I was always that to him. "I have to ask these okay? I'm just trying to do my job. Let me do that please?" Chris's voice changed and he was pleading with me now.

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