BRB -- January 4th

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      I knew everyone had checked on Aspen before we came back here tonight but fuck, somebody should have checked on me.  I thought I was okay but I was slowly losing my grip on reality I guess.

      Aspen had gone down into the bottom half of the club.  Going to thank Dallas for everything he did and apologize...she said she'd kicked him or something last week.  I should have probably went with her and thanked him too but it seemed like something she really wanted to do solo.  So I stepped aside.  The award winning smile I got in return was enough for me to watch her go.

      Now?  Not so much.  It looked like there was triple the amount of people that were normally here.  I was pacing.  I knew I was.

      "Dude."  Reagan put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed.  "Maybe we should find a new place."

     "I'm fine."  My voice was anything but fine.  I was clenching my fists.

      Reagan laughed.  "As fine as a caged lion.  Aren't you supposed to be on some cloud because you finally got your head out your ass and Aspen said yes?"  I clenched my fists tighter and it didn't go unnoticed.  "I know people keep saying that to you but did not  see her when you went back.  She was a mess...I made her stay with me for a minute until I thought she was safe from herself.  Some of us can't forget that so easily.  But...anyhow.  You guys are getting your happy endings."

      "Lord willin..."  I hadn't really taken my eyes off Aspen the whole time she'd been downstairs, but I did file the sleepovers with Chris in a box in the back of my head to ask about later.  There was a familiar head behind my girl that had me cursing myself for watching her go down alone.  "Motherfucker..."

      Reagan went to looking over the balcony railing and spotted my girl in an instant.  "Please tell me he's not that dumb..."

      Fucking Clay Walker.  My hands tightened around the railing, knuckles going white.  I could not figure him out.  His obsession was borderline psychotic at this point and that terrified me for Aspen's sake.  And my future with her.  "He is.  He might actually be dumber."

      I could see him grab for her wrist.  I could see her whirl around on him and holler something.  Yanking herself free.  But he didn't let up.  He just kept trying to worm his way into something more with my girl.  My fiancée.

      "I mean I know what he sees in her...we'd all be blind to not see how amazing Aspen is but damn.  He's got a fuckin death wish.  West and I are off duty tonight."

      I already knew that or they wouldn't have come out to celebrate but I nodded in response.  He was telling me without saying the words that if needed they'd have my back when I'd have to take my tags off later and beat this guy.  I was praying that he got the hint from Aspen and didn't actually follow her up here to the VIP area.  She was making her way back to me and it was clear he either didn't get the hint or have the brain capacity to process that he was putting his own life in danger coming with her.

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