BRB -- January 4th

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myACE: perfect. yall are at westons gym yeah?

I could tell just from her text that she was angry. I didn't know what was about to happen but Hunter was in for some hell if his sister came over to the gym right now.

bright: his dads yeah...
myACE: whos all there?
bright: me. h. weston. reagan. grant. what's up ACE? your makin me nervous
myACE: :) little sister duties. if everythin works then nobody is gonna have to get drunk and sleep with a random bimbo.
bright: should i warn him?
myACE: dont you fuckn dare

I had barely set my weights down when I heard the door slam. How I heard it over the music we had screaming thru the place, I wasn't sure, but I heard it. Awe hell.

There was a set of unblood barefoot twins looking madder than hell standing in the doorway. Hunter is about to get the shit knocked out of him.

I was silently thanking god that the fury these two had wasn't directed at me in any way. Declan caught that I was looking at the door, so briefly glanced and whipped his head back in my direction. His eyes were huge. I doubted that he'd ever seen these two lose their chill. Whatever happened intween the time my girl had got to Bristol's house and was not good.

"HUNTER DANE ELLINGTON!!!" Bristol hollered.

There were various forms of weights crashing all over the gym...some to the floor, others to their holders. Each guy heard her over the music. "Oh shit."

Hunter just calmly placed his weighted bar back on the press and sat up on the bench. I never knew how he stayed calm in every situation. It was something I envied him for. Sure, it was something that we were trained on. Keeping our emotions on lockdown. Flipping that switch to tune everything else out so we could focus on the mission and nothing else. I could stay calm for the most part thru anything, but the second that that anything turned into something involving Aspen...that's when I lost control. Hunter just maintained his chill and emotionless face. He looked like he had been expecting this explosion and yet he looked exhausted.

Bristol came storming thru the gym, making Chris and Weston jump out of her way. Hands on her hips, fuming. I'd seen Aspen this mad once. I laughed at the memory which instantly had glares in my direction from both brunettes. I held up my hands in surrender then slowly made my way over to Aspen.

"Where do you get off telling me to go home?! YOU FUCKING DISMISSED ME HUNTER!!! I'm not somebody under your command!! YOU HAD NO RIGHT!!!!!!" War. Path.

"What's happening babe? She looks like she's bout to strangle him." I ran my hands around Aspen's waist and pulled her in to me, watching her slowly relax against my body as I drew circles on her hips.

"He dug his own grave. Told her that it was her fault that guy came after me at Bully Fuzzed..." Her voice let me know that she was still just as pissed as Bristol but it wasn't her fight. I knew better than to say anything, so I just kept quiet and watched the scene in front of me play out.

"You ain't the only one who broke watchin Carls shatter in the parkin lot!! You ain't the only one who's allowed to feel things when she breaks because of him!! SHE'S MY SISTER TOO DAMNIT!!! You don't just get to tell me this is how it is then tell me to go home!! FUCK THAT HUNTER!!! We all love her!! We were ALL rootin for them!!" Then she hauled off and punched him in the jaw.

Sometime during the screaming the music had stopped...whether from Weston pulling the plug or just the playlist ended. The second Bristol's fist connected with Hunter's could hear a pin drop from 3,000 miles away. Weston was frozen. Reagan gasped. Declan flinched. I just squeezed Aspen's hips tighter.

All of us knew Hunter wouldn't hit her back. Senior would shoot him in the skull if he ever laid a hand on a woman. All of us. All of us knew better than that. We fought for our girls...not against them.

"You're not the only one who gets to feel things!!! That's not how relationships fuckin work!! YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE DAMNIT!!!" She sniffed and flung the back of her hand across her face. Awe hell some more. Bristol was crying. "You flipped a switch Hunter Dane. I couldn't get to you. I couldn't ground you. I..I feel things too." What started as a scream fest ended in a whisper.

Hunter closed his eyes and sighed. It was the 'ground him' comment that sank through. It was something that none of us would admit but the girls we loved? They kept up from flying off the edge with what we did day in and day out. He must have told Bristol that she was his anchor at some point or she never would have used that exact phrase.

Hunter wiped his hands on his shorts and stood up slow. Still calm and collected. He didn't even flinch when she punched him. I grew up with Bristol too so I knew she carried force behind that hit and it'd be bruised by tonight. He just slid one arm around Bristol's waist and yanked her forcefully toward him, than ran his other hand behind her head and into her hair and kissed her hard.

We all exhaled across the room. Aspen turned in my arms and beamed up at me. "See? Fixed it. Nobody's sleeping with anybody they ain't supposed to be sleeping with tonight."

It was still silent, so everybody heard her. Hunter and Bristol froze. All the guys laughed. Aspen's face turned bright red as I pulled her into my chest and tried to cover my own laugh.

Hunter put his forehead against Bristol's. "I'm sorry."

"You should be."

And just like that...everything was back to normal in out little world.

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