ACE -- January 21st

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      "Like that was ever in question the minute that ring went on your finger.  I'm always coming back to you ACE."  Beau laughed a little too loud on that.


      "I promise."  He held up my hand to show me the engagement ring, that was suppose to be the unspoken promise.

      "Do you promise that you promise?"  I don't know why but I really needed the confirmation on it.  The confirmation that he would always come back to me.  That he wasn't going to decide that he wanted to go back to the single life of Beau Brighton. 

      He laughed, threaded his fingers thru the back of my hair and pulled me closer to him over the middle console.  "Yes, Aspen Carlee...I promise that I promise."  Then he kissed me deep, working his tongue over my bottom lip to let him in, so he could seal the promise and also sear any doubts out of my mind.

      After a couple minutes of him kissing me, all the muscles in my body started to relax.  I didn't ever know how he managed to do this but, this man truly owned me.  With one touch, or look, or kiss...everything in my brain always seemed to go right out the nearest window.  I briefly wondered if it would have been like this with anybody else.  If there was another guy that worked his way into my life, if I would have melted every time the slightest touch occurred. 

      Beau pulled away and kissed my nose.  Smiling.  "I love that I am the one that does that to you...that melts you completely you forget your own name."

      "Cocky bastard."  His smile got bigger as I tried to slow down my breathing.

      "Did that get rid of any doubts you may have had about me leaving?"

      "You know it did asshole or you wouldn't have done it."  He just grinned and kissed me again.  Cocky.  Bastard.   I sighed against his mouth, giving in to the kiss.  My cocky bastard.  "Now can you get to driving so we can go ahead and start the rest of our lives?"

      "What my lady wants...."  Beau kissed my hand again.  "I love you ACE."

      "I love you most Brighton."  I threw my hand in the air and made some 'move along' motion and grinned, "Let's get going."


Aspen's elope dress
(yes I know that it's the middle of winter but it's a courthouse, shotgun wedding.  it'll be a short run inside or beau will just carry her)

  it'll be a short run inside or beau will just carry her)

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