BRB -- December 25th

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      "I know I messed up Sir.  And I'm truly sorry about all of it.  I just want the chance to spend my forever making that up to her."

      The silence he let pass literally tore my brain in two.  "Having a daughter is a whole different world entirely than having a son.  One day you're going to know what I mean.  Yes, I would do anything for any of my included Beau.  But when I looked into her little green eyes the minute they put her in my arms at the hospital...everything changed.  I knew there was absolutely nothing in this world...I vowed that I would protect her with my last breath if ever needed.  You understand?"  He looked at me sideways.

      I nodded.  "Yes sir.  She's not my daughter but I have made that same vow."

      "I know you have son.  If there's anything in this world that a father wants for his daughter is that she finds somebody who loves her and worships her the same amount, if not more than we do. Somebody who's going to be her body armor from the cruel things in this world. Somebody who is going to pick up and slay her demons when she's too tired to carry on. Somebody who is going to put her on a throne and remind her every day that she is a queen...because once she finds that man that she truly loves, us dads know that we can't keep her on our 'daddy's little princess' throne anymore. It falls to you. The winner of her heart. We pray for somebody who will, when she leaves our nest per say, somebody who will cherish her and guard her and remind her that there isn't anything in this world she cannot do. But also at the same time be the person who she will run to when she needs her best friends and protector." I swallowed hard. I wanted so bad to be all that for her and more.  So much more.  "I know I'll always be her dad and that comes with being her first love."

      "Yes sir.  I'll never take that away from you."

      "I know that too.  I have watched you frow up with her.  I've watched her love you since the fifth grade.  While she didn't even know what 'true love' was then....I watched her watch her Disney movies then turn around and place you in the role of prince or knight or John Smith....
      I watched her brothers rally around her as her own personal army.  She could and would run to them with anything.  I watched when things got too big or too personal, she would run to you.  Like when that boy asked her to prom and she txt you immediately.  Aspen trusted you with every part of her life and every part of her soul.  The same as she does now.  She's old enough and yes she still has her brothers in her corner.  She has me as her dad.  But you?  She trusts you completely with her life.  Her heart."

      "I feel the same way.  And I'm sorry if I ever made you or Momma T question that."

      "We've never questioned anything when it came to you and Aspen. Like I said, we've watched. I know us SEAL men aren't really ones to talk feelings or mushy shit but you two? You have been written in the stars since her my wife would tell you."

      Like she was summoned, Momma T came right on over to us. "What am I telling him?"

      "Your star destiny fate mumbo jumbo." You could tell Senior was trying to not roll his eyes.

      "Hmmm yes. My mumbo jumbo, as you so lovingly put it dear, all leads to the fact that you young man and my daughter are the definition of true love if I've ever seen it. Besides your parents and us, of course." She smiled at Senior, who looked at me with a 'what'd I tell you?' look.

      "Well I did have some extraordinary examples of love to take notes from. Even if I did..." I didn't get to finish.

      "You never have to apologize for falling off the path a little on your way to your happily ever after. You only saw the ever after parts with us parents. You didn't see the beginning or how we finally ended up together."

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